Chapter 34

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Jay was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for him and Erin

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Jay was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for him and Erin. Erin was showering, they had their doctors appointment in an hour. He heard the shower stop and then a couple minutes later Erin walked out with a towel wrapped around her.

Jay slid a plate of food over to the other side of the counter "Breakfast is ready, how you feeling?"

Erin sat down and starting picking at her food "Yeh I'm okay, todays an exciting day remember" she smiled and looked at Jay "This is great thankyou"

Jay "No worries, look I'm going to go get changed we have to head off soon" He walked around and kissed Erin on the forehead.

Erin "Jay" she grabbed his hand stopping him "You don't have to look at me like that everyday. We are doing the right thing, it's going to be okay, anyways today's a good day we get to find out what little baby Halstead is going to be" she smiled at Jay while resting her hands on her stomach.

Jay smiled "I know babe, I'm happy don't worry"

Jay had been trying to hide how he felt about the whole situation since the scare. He knew they were making the right decision but having that fact that Erin could die in the back of his head everyday killed him.

They were waiting patiently in the hospital for their appointment. They got called up and walked into the cubicle. Erin got up on the bed and waiting for Dr Parker to come in.

Dr Parker "Hey you guys, how we going today?"

Erin nervously "Yeh good doc. Just want to know how baby Halstead is"

Jay interrupted Erin "And we need to know what we have to do in order for both Erin and the baby to be safe"

Dr Parker "Okay look, how about we have a look and then we get go through everything. Are you guys wanting to find out the gender?"

Erin and Jay "Yes" they both smiled at each other and squeezed one another's hands tight.

Dr Parker "Okay so, here we go baby is healthy, still a good size everything looks good under the circumstances and I'm counting 1,2,3 feet" the doctor smirked at then hoping they'd figure it out.

They both chuckled and looked at each other "We are having a boy" Erin started to tear up "Jay it's a boy" he was so happy and kissed Erin.

Dr Parker wipes the jelly from Erins stomach "Okay so now that we know baby is healthy we have to talk about what's going to keep him that way and of course you Erin. Erin you have placenta previa which means the placenta is covering the cervix. So in order to keep you and baby safe we need you to be in bed rest, now I know it's a long time but I can't stress it enough. You are allowed to walk around home but I don't want you exercising or doing anything that you don't need to do. Now I know what you do for work and I understand you were on desk duty but that isn't even an option anymore. Now when it comes to your labour, I'm going to recommend a planned c-section. I know this is not ideal but I want to prevent anything from causing you or baby harm"

The doctor went on for a little bit, Erin just kept squeezing Jays hand. She didn't know how to feel, she knew she'd made the right decision but it was all so much. They thanked the doctor and got all the paperwork that outlined the risks and went home. Jay got Erin a glass of water and sat down on the lounge with her.

Jay "It's going to be fine babe, I know you don't like the thought of bed rest but it's what we gotta do"

Erin rolled her eyes "Yeh I know, but there's no we. You get to go out and do things I can't" she tried to laugh which turned into tears.

Jay wipes her cheek "Hey when I'm not working I will be here with you, your not alone on this"

Erin "Yeh I know, we are really lucky" she looked down at her bump "I can't believe it's a boy"

Jay "Yeh I know it's crazy, it's becoming more and more real"

Erin "Yeh it really is"

Jay bought her in for a hug "Okay I just have to duck into the district for a little bit then I will grab some dinner and we can watch a movie, how does that sound?"

Erin "Perfect, see you soon"

Jay left and drove to the district. He knew that he had to tell Voight about everything and of course the team. He didn't want them to be in the dark any longer considering this was the time Erin needed them the most.

Jay walked up the steps into the district, he saw Trudy and nodded his head. He buzzed himself up, everyone was talking about the case they were working when Jay walked up. They all stopped and looked towards him.

Jay "Hey guys"

Everyone said hey and gave him a hug and waited patiently for him to talk. Voight came out of his office and leant up against one of the tables.

Jay "Okay so I first some good news, baby Halstead is a boy"

Everyone cheered and clapped, and started passing money around on the bets they'd all made. Jay just stood there and laughed.

Jay "Yeh it's really great, we are really happy. Now for some not so great news. I have kind of feeled Voight in a little bit but I thought it's time to let everyone know what's going on. As you all know we had a scare last week, baby and Erin are fine but we got told some bad news" he began to explain what Erin had been diagnosed with and the decision they had to make "we made a decision to keep the baby, but doing so buts Erin in danger. So in order for nothing to happen to her she has to be on bed rest until she gives birth to prevent anything bad from happening. We all know Erin and we all know how much she is going to hate this and that's why I'm telling you guys everything because I know you's will do everything to make sure she doesn't have a mental breakdown"

Hailey "We have your backs Jay, Erins family and so is that baby we will be there until the end"

Al "Yeh man don't stress, and anything you need you know we are here"

Voight "Everything's going to be fine, look I will pop over later and see Erin but thank-you for feeling us in. I know this time is tough for you and her but she's lucky that she has you to get her through this" he gave Jay a hug, everyone stood there in shock you never really saw this side of Voight "but god help her for having another you, she's going to have her hands full" they all chuckled and continued to chat.

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