Chapter 39

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Jay was running around like a crazy person, it was his first day back after his time off with Erin and Noah

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Jay was running around like a crazy person, it was his first day back after his time off with Erin and Noah. He was exhausted to say the least but knew he had to get back out there, he was trying to tidy up while he sipped his coffee but still couldn't find his keys. Erin walked out and just watched him while she laughed. He heard her and spun around "Erin do you know where my keys are?"

Erin walked up to him "Jay calm down, you were distracting Noah with them remember" she could see a light bulb lighting up in his head as his eyes widened.

He pointed his finger at her "Yes that's right" walking into Noah's room he noticed them sitting on the dresser as soon as he picked them up Noah starting crying, he turned around to go check on him "Hey buddy, daddy's gotta go to work but mummy will be here" he started crying more even though Jay was trying to sooth him.

Erin walked in and waved Jay off "Babe just go to work or your going to be late" she picked Noah up out of his bassinet "shhh it's okay" she started rocking him.

Jay didn't want to move "But" Erin gave him a stern look "Jay you gotta go, we love you but we are going to be fine" he nodded his head and gave them both a kiss "Love you too, I will call you later to check in" and with that he ran out the door.

Trudy noticed Jay as he walked into the district, she yelled over at him "Hey chuckles, I mean detective chuckles" she smirked as he walked over "You look horrible, hows Erin and the little guy doing?"

Jay frowned he didn't have the energy to have a comeback "Yeh um good, both good" he smiled "Look I better get up there" he nodded at her as he buzzed his way up.

Adam and Kevin noticed him as he walked up, they ran over to give him a bro hug. They all chatted for abit and caught up as the rest of the team joined them. They were all happy at least one of the two of them were back.

It was later in the day and they were all doing paperwork on a drug bust they just done. Jay lifted his head from his desk and saw Adam looking at him "Ruz what the heck are you looking at me like that for?"

Ruz smirked "So I was reading and apparently after a women gives birth you can't have sex for like 3 months" He saw the rest of the team look at him with questionable looks.

Jay stared at him with daggers "Why do you care about mine and Erins sex life? Do you have nothing else to think about on your personal time?" He started chuckling "But Yeh it's 6 weeks, not counting or anything"

Everyone just shook their heads as Voight walked out of his office "Okay so once everyone's finished their paperwork you's can all head home. Halstead can I see you for a minute?"

Jay raised and eyebrow and followed him into his office "What's up Sarge?" Jay said confused with his arms folded.

Hank sat down and sat his feet up on the desk "Just checking in, how are things?"

Jay "Yeh good Hank, Erins good, Noah's great getting bigger by the minute" he started smiling when Voight cut him off.

Voight "I'm not asking about them, I'm asking about you?"

Jay confused "What do you mean?"

Voight "You seemed different today and I just want to know if I have anything to worry about"

Jay shook his head "Oh um, I guess I just have to get use to the fact that when I run out on those streets I don't just have a wife to worry about I have a son. I'm sorry if it made me second guess anything. That's not usually like me"

Voight "Don't apologise, that's what makes you a good father, you care. But you will get use to it and it will get easier trust me, being a cop is who you are. Your mind might be a little different when you walk out there but it will all work out"

Jay sighed "Yeh I guess, thanks Hank"

Jay walked out and finished up his paperwork. After a couple hours he left to go to Molly's for a beer before going home. When he got home he unlocked the door and seen Erin laying on the floor with Noah on his play mat. He smiled to himself, coming home to that made all the other problems in the world fade away.

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