This story based on 2 years after Erin left to go to New York to take a job to keep Bunny out of jail. I kept Alvin Olinksey alive in the story as well. At first the connection between Jay and Erin is tense but they soon find their way back into eac...
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6 months later
Everyone was mucking around in the bullpen. They had yet to get a case, they had piles of paperwork but it was always good to have a little break here and there.
Hank walked out of his office "Are we grown adults at work or are we toddlers at a park?" He questioned with a stern voice. "Just because we don't have a case doesn't mean there isn't other things that need to be done" he turned and walked back into his office.
They are had a little chuckle before returning to their desks. Jay got up and walked into the break room to get a coffee. Ruzek walked in and held his coffee cup up "So how's married life?" He chuckled
Jay "Ruz you make it sound like it's such a big change but it's been great"
Ruzek "Thats great man, after everything you two have been through it's great"
Jay "Yeh it really is" he could see Erin in the bullpen and he couldn't help but smile.
"We got a case" Hank shouted from his office as Ruzek and Jay rushed back to look at the whiteboard.
"Maria Zane. Shot 3 times in the chest. House robbery gone wrong. The reason we are taking the case is because this is the 3rd victim that has died from a house robbery gone wrong in the last month. Her sister Abigail hid in the closest while all this went down, so Lindsay and Halstead I want you to go speak to her and everyone else I want you to try figure out what these all have in common and why people are dying" Hank turned and walked back into his office.
At Maria and Abigails address.
Erin "Abigail I cant imagine how you are feeling right now. I'm really sorry for your loss and I know this is a hard time for you but we just need to ask you some questions"
Jay "Run us through the night? Anything you can remember will help"
Abigail "It was about 9pm, we had just finished watching a movie. I went up to go to the toilet. Maria stayed downstairs and all of a sudden I heard the front door open and I heard yelling. I went to run down the stairs and I saw her surrounded by 3 men" she started sobbing and breathing quickly
Jay "Hey take a breathe it's okay, can you remember what they looked like?" He rested his hand on her arm trying to comfort her.
Erin looked over, seeing Jay this way just made her realise how lucky she is. He has such a good heart even when it's times like these. He's tough and strong when he needs to be but so caring.
Abigail "They were all wearing masks. I'm sorry. I wanted to help her but she saw me and shook her head to I just ran up and hid. I heard gunshots. Then when I came down I just saw her laying there and they were gone"
Erin "Do you know if anything is missing? Has anything strange been happening lately?"
Abigail "I don't think anything is missing. But now that you mention it Maria was acting strange over the last month or so. She always came home upset and she was always so jumpy. Then she kept saying over the last couple days that there was a black suv following her"
Erin "Abigail that's really good. That's all we need from you for now. Thankyou we will be in touch"
Back at the 21st
Jay and Erin walked in "I don't think these are robberies" Jay stated as everyone turned to look at him "I think whomever is doing this they are trying to make it look like a robbery"
Ruzek "I think he's right sarge because in the other two cases nothing has been stolen"
Voight "Okay well we need to figure out how all these cases connect, and follow up on surveillance around Maria's house to see if we can notice an suv following her"
It had been 6 hours, all you could hear was the sound of tapping. It was dead end after dead end. "I got something" Burgess yelled from her desk "The three victims were witnesses in a case" she pointed at the screen "There was a big drug bust which shut down a massive warehouse that was involved with a Mexican cartel about 3 months ago. And 3 days before our first victim was killed somehow that witness list got leaked"
Atwater "Woah, this just got a whole lot bigger"
Voight "Okay, talk to your CI's, let's put some money on the streets and figure out who was put away for that and who else is on that god dam list!" Slamming the door behind him
Hailey "Okay so we finally found the black suv that Abigail was talking about, it is registered to a Juana Rodriguez who happens to be the wife off Alejandro Rodriguez who is the brother of Miguel who got put away. So I'm assuming this is all revenge because he's taken over"
Voight "Do we have an address"
Jay "Yes I will get patrol to sit on the address until we get there"
Voight "Righto everyone go suit up we roll out in 10"
Everyone headed downstairs. Erin was trying to do her vest up when she felt two hands on top of her shoulders. "I can't keep watching you struggle and this is my job remember" Jay chuckled as he was always the one to help her with her vest. She turned around "Thankyou, stay safe out there partner" "Always" Jay winked at her.