This story based on 2 years after Erin left to go to New York to take a job to keep Bunny out of jail. I kept Alvin Olinksey alive in the story as well. At first the connection between Jay and Erin is tense but they soon find their way back into eac...
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The next day Erin called in sick which was unlike her, she woke up feeling not so great and after everything lately it got her thinking. Her hormones were heightened, she was craving certain items again and after worrying about Jay she only just realised she had missed her period.
Back at the district, Jay looked across to where Erin should have been, he chucked his pen across his desk, stood up and walked towards Voight's office "Hey sarge, can we talk?"
"Sure, take a seat"
He took a seat and sighed, "Um just wondering why Erin isn't here?"
Voight looked confused and stood up to go stand in front of Jay "Shouldn't you know this? I mean you do live together?"
"Yeh we kind of had an argument last night."
"What do you mean kind of? And still, you would have seen her this morning so what aren't you telling me?"
"I stayed at Will's last night"
"Jay, I don't want to give you marriage advise"
"Then don't"
Voight chuckled and stood up to open the door "Jay firstly don't talk back to me, secondly go be a man and check up on your wife"
He rolled his eyes as he left "Yes sir"
Back at their apartment, Erin stood above the sink, hands either side with her head bent forward. She looked at four positive pregnancy tests that were laid evenly in the basin. She was empty, talk about timing. She heard the door open and quickly walked out to see Jay standing there.
"Hey, can we talk?" He said said as he walked towards her, she turned away and went into Noah's room when she heard him cry. Jay followed her and watched as she changed his diaper. After she was done she bought Noah into the loungeroom and placed him down and put some cartoons on.
"Are you just going to ignore me?"
"What do you want me to say Jay?" She said as her voice slightly rose.
"Erin I'm sorry. Okay I'm sorry. I'm a dick, I should have spoken to you, I should have opened up. That case did bring up old memories okay, I hate it. That's why I don't want to talk about it because I hate it. I'm sorry"
"That's what I'm here for! We are in this together! For the good and the bad, if you got something going on upstairs then talk to me about it, if you don't want to talk to me then talk to someone!"
He grabbed her and pulled her in close "I will okay, I promise you. I won't walk out on you again, I won't walk out on the both of you. I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking"
"You need to start thinking Jay, because it's not just about me anymore, it's about him too" she said as she pointed to Noah.
"I know, I really do have it good" he bent down to Noah's level and ruffled his hands through his hair.
"So what does this mean then? Will you go talk to someone?"
"I think it's for the best, as much as I don't want to. I need to" he said defeated.
"We are in this together"
He smiled up at her "So are you going to tell me why you aren't at work today? I mean your not the type of person to call in sick when we have an argument"
She grabbed his hand "Um follow me" he look confused but followed her as she pulled him into the bathroom and pointed at the sink "Oh, wow, four for four. That's great" he paused and bent over the sink resting his arms either side "Congratulations, I mean to the both of us I guess" he paused "Wow another baby"
"Yeh" she lent in the doorframe "Great timing huh"
"Hey, don't be like that this is great. Yeh maybe not the best timing but we will make it work. We did with Noah and look how he is turning out" he smiled as he pointed towards their son whom was playing with his toys.
"I'm just scared" she started tearing up.
"Hey come here" he pulled her in close and she nestled her head into his chest "It's going to be okay"
She pushed him away "You don't know that, my pregnancy with Noah was horrible. I couldn't work, it was problem after problem. The whole time we were worried, I don't know if I can do that again"
"Erin, it will be okay. I know it was hard for the both of us, but we don't know that it will be anything like that"
"And to top it off we are going to have to move, there is no way we can fit another kid in this apartment we are already treading on toes in here. And I'm going to need more time off work and get use to that again, I don't know if I can go through that again either I'm just getting use to being in the groove again."
"Erin come here" he grabbed her hand and walked to the couch sitting down and pulling her down to his lap "Everything will work out, I love you"
"I love you too"
He started laughing "Well it all makes sense now"
She looked down at him confused "What do you mean?"
"I mean those hormones are something else" she raised her eyebrows at him "Erin we had sex in a hallway at a wedding reception" she pounced his shoulder playfully.
"Shut up" she laughed and then kissed him "You loved it, so what are you complaining about?"
"I never said I was complaining" he continued to kiss her, things started getting steamy and then they were interrupted by Noah giggling and trying to form words together "Oh sorry little man, didn't see you there" They both bursted out laughing.
They both watched Noah as he tried standing up "Your really close little man, come on you can do it" he smiled up at them and then fell back down, continuing to play with his toys.
"To think we are going to have another one of those running around" Jay said as he pulled Erin into his side.
"Might be a girl yet"
"Oh god, I'm already protective over him. Imagine what I'm going to be like with a daughter"
"She will never be allowed to do anything, between you and Hank and then everyone else in the unit she's going to hate her life"
"Yeh well I guess we will just have to wait and see"