Chapter 35

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Time jump. Erins now 34 weeks pregnant.

Jay and Hailey arrived at the district at the same time, Hailey walked over to Jay with a coffee and passed it to him.

Hailey "Hey Jay, now look I think we are planning Erin a small baby shower. It won't be too much but if you could go hang out with the boys this weekend that would be great"

Jay "So you are kicking me out of my own house?" He laughed

Hailey raised her hands "Pretty much"

Jay "Nah that's fine, that will be good. Erins been great don't get me run but now she's really starting to hate bed rest, hate being pregnant and hate me" he smirked at Hailey as she laughed "No seriously I'm not joking if I go missing don't be surprised if it leads back to Erin and you find out she's killed me" they both laughed as they headed up to the bullpen together.

Voight slammed the photos on the whiteboard "Okay we have three DOA's, all leading back to this new drug Sting. Now we know that it is getting sold out of Northside College. Now I want to put two of you undercover, Halstead I have organised for you to be the new gym teachers assistant and Ruzek you are the new manager"

Ruzek shot up with his hands in the air "What why do I have to be the janitor?"

Voight chuckled "Well the whole beard thing you got going on really suits the part" Everhone laughed and got back to being serious "So no that that is sorted. You's both start tomorrow. Now from what we have gathered the science teacher Louis King has something to do with it, whether that's just selling it or getting kids to sell it. Or he might be that prick that's making this stuff! Whatever it is we have to figure it out"

It had been a week and Jay was getting close with Louis. They had gone out a couple times and Jay had made out he needed extra cash so he was willing to be apart of his side business King was always talking about.

Jay/Ryan "So when are we doing this man? I really need to buy that car for the Mrs and she thinks I still have my security gig, but with no extra money coming in she's starting to click on and I can't have her thinking that I have lost my job"

King "Yeh man I know you keep telling me this. Look I'm meeting up with a couple friends to you know, talk. I just need to figure out if I can trust you before we talk business"

Jay/Ryan "What do I need to do in order for you to trust me? I will do anything"

King "Righto man, lets go meet up with my friends and we will work something out"

King drove him and Jay to a warehouse. They walked in and Jay saw 2 other man sitting at a table, he was wearing a wire so he just hoped this was it, they were going to catch these pricks and get these drugs off the street. They walked up and King gestured for Jay to sit at the table. There was a bag of drugs on the table.

King "Well Ryan, this is our little side business so if your in we want you to test the product first"

Jay/Ryan "Nah man, I'm willing to sell them but that's not my thing, not anymore anyway. I have been clean for a year"

King "Do it or your out" the other men started to stand up.

Jay/Ryan "Tell your guys to sit down man, what are they you doing?"

Kings phone started going off, he answered it and suddenly his face went dark "So Ryan is that actually your name?"

Jay/Ryan still trying to play it cool "Of course man! Are you tripping?"

King "Well I think it's Detective Jay Halstead, see I did a background check on you. I just thought it was especially weird that you start working with us and then all of a sudden your wanting in on my business"

Jay started to panic "Okay look I can"

Jay was cut off and then all of a sudden everything went dark. He was hit over the head knocking him out.

Hailey shot up from her desk, the whole team was listening as they thought this was there chance and when they heard the conversation they knew something was wrong. Voight tried ringing Jay and nothing.

Voight "Okay look we are going to stay calm but we are going to think the worst. Ping Jays phone and try and figure out where they were. And do not, I repeat do not let this get back to Erin this is the last thing she needs to worry about"

Everyone nodded, they all agreed. 

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