Chapter 1 - 'What Do You Want Me To Do?'

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Wolfgang rubbed his eyes as he woke up, shaking off the confines of sleep. It had been another restless night for the Nachtstern vampire, plagued by memories of the past. As Wolfgang sat up, he noticed that he was sharing a bed with a pretty blonde girl. He shrugged mentally as he had no idea who she was, probably just another woman to fall for his superficial charm and spend the night with him.

The Hunter stretched his arms, stepping out of the bed and locating his suit trousers. As he pulled them up and buckled them, searching for his shirt and suit jacket, Wolfgang was greeted by a brunette walking into the bedroom.

The vampire paused at the sight of the gorgeous woman barging into the bedroom. Judging from the tacky decor, shades of purple and pink alternated around the walls in a way that made him want to vomit, Wolfgang concluded that he wasn't in his own house but he didn't remember who either of the women were, or more specifically, which of them he had gone home with.

"Who is she?" The brunette asked, gesturing at the blonde, as she crossed her arms. Wolfgang shrugged and turned around, glancing at the woman's sleeping form. She was nude, no doubt, under the covers, with her make-up smeared and several lovebites along her exposed neck.

"Um, she is Jessica." Wolfgang replied. The newly awoken blonde looked angrily at him as she shook off the confines of sleep, clutching the bedsheet to her chest as she sat up and shook her head.

"I'm not Jessica." The blonde replied. Wolfgang nodded, he always asked for their names even though he never bothered to remember them. He guessed that it showed an interest that made it easier to bed women.

"Right, you're Sophie?" Wolfgang asked instead, still completely unsure of her name and the blonde glared at him, prompting the vampire to change his answer, "Emma?"

"Gemma." The blonde corrected and Wolfgang shook his head as he turned to the brunette, who watched him with disgust.

"Okay, you're Sophie." Wolfgang said and the brunette shook her head as well. Wolfgang sighed and held out a finger as he remembered.

"No, no. Sophie was the annoying one with the dog." Wolfgang corrected himself as he finally located his shirt and picked it up, "You are Stephanie?"

"Claire." The brunette replied. Wolfgang smiled and pulled on his shirt, leaving it unbuttoned before Claire threw his jacket at him.

"Get out, you asshole." Claire spat, pushing Wolfgang towards the door. Wolfgang left the apartment and buttoned his shirt before pulling on his suit jacket. The Hunter ran a hand through his raven-coloured hair as his phone began to ring, searching through his pockets before finding it.

"Elijah Mikaelson, what can I do for you?" Wolfgang questioned, answering the call and holding the phone to his ear as he left the apartment building. The Original sighed on the other end and the vampire awaited a response.

"I need your help."

"Well, I paid my debts to your family. So, no." Wolfgang replied. Elijah let out a deep breath, frustrated with Wolfgang's insistence on not helping.

"Niklaus is spiralling. The white oak stake is missing and werewolves have overtaken the quarter." Elijah explained and Wolfgang shrugged his shoulders.

"That sounds like a Mikaelson kind of problem." Wolfgang replied, "I had my moment of choice when Katerina told me where you were going. I chose me." Elijah kissed his teeth and exhaled slowly to calm himself, getting angry at the Nachtstern would do no good.

"Wolfgang, please. I'm asking you as a friend." Elijah continued, "Niklaus needs your help and we aren't in a position to do anything."

"You're not my friend, Elijah. You are just some guy that I used to have a crush on." Wolfgang countered. Elijah sighed and tightened his grip on the phone, "They lost the child, Wolfgang, Niklaus needs you to help him through it."

The Hunter paused at that. Such a loss would've been devastating for Klaus, and, as much as he didn't want to deal with Mikaelson family drama, his best friend needed him.

"What do you want me to do?" Wolfgang asked with a sigh as he nodded nodded. He walked up to his car, a black Aston Martin Vanquish, and sat inside, starting the engine as he closed the door. Elijah was quick with the details, informing Wolfgang of everything that had happened in New Orleans since they had parted in the god forsaken town of Mystic Falls.

"Fine." Wolfgang said, giving in as Elijah finished his explanation of their issue, "You're just lucky that I'm due to be in New Orleans next week."

Elijah smiled. Wolfgang revved the engine before hanging up and driving off, calling his secretary, Penny, to arrange for a flight to New Orleans first thing in the morning.

Welcome back to Planet Mikaelson. Wolfgang thought as he pulled up outside his hotel, knowing that he was soon to leave New York and probably not return for a long time.

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