Chapter 7 - 'We Kill Him Properly This Time.'

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Wolfgang tapped his foot against the ground impatiently as Klaus and Kol continued to argue. Eventually, Klaus turned to Cami and sighed.

"Get the car. We're leaving." Klaus commanded, handing Cami his keys. The blonde took them with an eye-roll and walked off.

"So what is Mother planning?" Klaus asked as he turned to Kol. The younger brother rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Don't you have Father to deal with?"

"We will kill Mikael and then move on to Esther. It's best to know what we're dealing with." Wolfgang replied. Klaus sighed impatiently and left the cabin. A short while later, Klaus returned in a hurry. Wolfgang turned to him and Klaus looked genuinely afraid.

"Cami is gone." Klaus explained and Wolfgang's eyes widened in concern, "And so is Mikael."

Wolfgang sighed as his eyes widened in shock before he gathered his wits and stepped forward, taking control.

"Call Elijah, we need all the help we can get." Wolfgang ordered before he left to track Mikael.


Wolfgang ripped out the heart of the party-goer, turning to Klaus as he did so. The hybrid decapitated another civillian.

"This is doing nothing. We need to move on." Wolfgang said and Klaus nodded before snapping the neck of another party-goer.

"I agree, the longer we're delayed here, the further away Mikael gets." Klaud replied and Wolfgang grimaced before he launched into the remainder of the group. Wolfgang latched onto the neck of one and ripped out his throat before ripping out the heart of another.

Wolfgang dropped the body to the ground as Klaus turned to him, picking up his phone and answering the call.

"Klaus, we need your help. Elijah's disappeared." Hayley said as Klaus frowned.

"I'm busy right now. Mikael has Cami and me and Wolfgang are going to kill him." Klaus replied before he hung up. He exchanged a glance with Wolfgang before they continued on the track that Mikael used, Wolfgang leading the way.

"Let's kill him properly this time." Wolfgang said as he walked ahead.

New Orleans, 1919 -

"You disappoint me." Mikael spat as he entered Wolfgang's room. The vampire's eyes widened before he opened the door and gestured for his companions to leave.

"What are you doing here?" Wolfgang asked, fearful of the Original Hunter. Mikael smiled cruelly before he sighed, withdrawing the white oak stake from his pocket and placing it on the table.

"What you should have done a long time ago." Mikael replied before he sped over to Wolfgang and threw him backwards.

"It's not too late to retake your noble duties." Mikael offered. Wolfgang shook his head and held his arms out in front of him, settling into a fighting stance.

"It's not too late for you to walk away." Wolfgang replied and he rushed at Mikael. The Hunter underestimated Mikael and the Original grabbed him and easily snapped his neck before running a stake through his stomach, dropping his immobilised body to the ground.

"You're a fool, bastard." Mikael spat before taking the white oak stake back and walking off.


Klaus paused as he spotted Cami on the floor, bleeding out. The hybrid eyes glowed with rage as he faced Mikael.

"You're going to pay for hurting her." Klaus snarled as he launched at Mikael. His stepfather grabbed him and threw Klaus through a wall.

Klaus got to his feet and grabbed Mikael, kneeing him in the stomach. He punched him in the face and pushed Mikael back. Mikael got up unsteadily before he grabbed Klaus and punched him in the gut. Klaus groaned and Mikael smiled cruelly before flipping him onto the ground and stabbing the white oak stake deep into his chest.

Wolfgang's eyes widened before he rushed at Mikael and threw him backwards. Mikael grabbed Wolfgang by the back of his neck and threw him off of him.

"If the boy was dead, he would burn. So why aren't you burning?" Mikael spat. Wolfgang grabbed Mikael and pushed him back, holding him down as Marcel rushed in and stabbed Mikael in the stomach.

Cami rushed over to Klaus and tried to wrench the stake out of his body. Wolfgang kneed Mikael in the stomach where Marcel had stabbed him and threw him back before Hayley entered, holding a length of chain. The hybrid wrapped them around Mikael's neck and dragged him back. Wolfgang punched Mikael and prepared to bite him, injecting the Original with his deadly venom.

Mikael grabbed the chains and flipped Hayley over, slamming her into Wolfgang. The two stumbled back and Wolfgang held Hayley by the waist as he stabilised the two.

"Come face me again when you don't have others fighting for you." Mikael said to a newly awoken Klaus before he sped off. Wolfgang glowered at the thought of Mikael escaping but he turned to Klaus.

"You okay?" Wolfgang asked and Klaus nodded, rubbing his chest where Mikael had stabbed him.


Cami sighed as Wolfgang offered her his wrist. She took it reluctantly and drank the vampire's blood, healing her.

"I am going to kill Mikael for hurting you." Klaus promised from besides them before he sped off.

"You were wrong, Camille." Wolfgang said and Cami sighed as she turned to him, "About what?"

"You told me to break the cycle and spare Mikael." Wolfgang replied, "You were wrong. I'm a monster because of Mikael and the only way to break the cycle is to drive that damn stake through his heart."

"Vengeance rarely brings us the closure we need." Cami lectured and Wolfgang shook his head as he sighed.

"It may not bring us the closure we need but I need Mikael dead because he is a threat to my friends." Wolfgang replied. Cami opened her mouth to reply but Wolfgang shook his head and turned to leave.


Wolfgang sat back with the glass of whiskey as he took a deep sip. He frowned as he heard a sound in his house and he turned, finding a brunette woman sat on his dining table.

"Miss me, Satan?"

"Envy." Wolfgang greeted as Natalya smiled. He walked up to his first sireling and sat down opposite her.

"What's wrong, Wolfgang?" Natalya asked and Wolfgang shook his head before he took a sip of the whiskey, "What do you want, Natalya? And don't lie."

"Just wanted to check up on my sire." Natalya replied and Wolfgang scoffed. Natalya moved off of the table and stood up, leaning against the wall.

"That's a lie. Why are you here?" Wolfgang asked and Natalya sighed before she stepped closer to the vampire, "Well I was passing through town so I thought instead of using a hotel, why don't I just bunk with my generous sire?"

Wolfgang sighed and shook his head, standing to his feet, "Is that all?"

"Unless you don't want it to be." Natalya replied with a shrug. Wolfgang stepped closer to her so that they were inches away.

"Just like last time. No strings, no feelings." Wolfgang stated and Natalya nodded. Wolfgang's eyes darkened with lust before his lips met Natalya's, pressing her against the wall.

His sireling pulled away to catch her bteath before Wolfgang turned them around and deposited her on the table. His fangs alone descended ws his mouth found her throat, biting deeply into it as their night continued.

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