Chapter 54 - 'I'm Seeking Repentance For What I'm About To Do.'

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A/N - Above is an image of Schloss Raske in Germany.

"Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned."

"God's mercy knows no bounds, my child, speak and the Lord shall forgive your past." The priest replied. Wolfgang shook his head and sighed. "I have sinned in my past, but those deeds are beyond even the mercy of God, if he exists. I'm seeking repentance for what I'm about to do."

"That's not how this usually works." The priest responded and Wolfgang nodded, grateful for the barrier of the confession box.

"I am aware." Wolfgang replied, "But you'll find that my situation is unique."

"What is it that you're about to do?" The priest questioned and Wolfgang ran a hand through his hair, closing his eyes as he took in a deep breath.

"I'm about to take a life in the name of justice."

"And who's life is that?" The priest asked and Wolfgang remained silent. Then, he opened the confession box and walked out of the church as the priest called for him to return.


Wolfgang knocked on the door as he waited for someone to open it. A moment after, a woman with blonde hair opened the door, shocked to see him standing there.

"Wolfgang?" She asked and the vampire smiled at her. He gestured to the hallway and she stepped aside before realising her error.

"Come in." Eleanor invited and Wolfgang walked into her house. The hunter looked at the woman before him, reaquantancing himself with her appearance.

Eleanor's eyes were still the same stormy, calculating grey, full of intelligence and life. Her hair, which was brunette in colour when Wolfgang knew her, was dyed blonde. Wolfgang couldn't help but think it suited her more. Eleanor now had several laugh lines and wrinkles, but she had aged into them well, her beauty magnified with the wisdom that seemed to surround her.

"Why are you here?" She asked and Wolfgang sighed. He sat down and the witch looked at him, realising he wasn't going to talk any time soon.

"Tea?" Eleanor asked and Wolfgang nodded, "Black, two spoons of honey?" The blonde questioned and Wolfgang nodded in confirmation. Eleanor left the room to make the tea and Wolfgang looked around. The hunter stood up and travelled to a bookshelf, where several mementos and trinkets were scattered amongst the shelves.

Wolfgang's hand brushed against an old photo from the early 2000's. Wolfgang smiled at the image of the laughing brunette and a serious green-eyed man.

"You looked happy." Wolfgang said as Eleanor returned. The witch smiled and pointed at the photograph, "That was taken the year he died."

Wolfgang nodded and took the mug of tea gratefully, taking a sip. Eleanor observed him with those eyes that Wolfgang always believed saw too much.

"Why are you here, Wolfgang? And don't lie." Eleanor asked and Wolfgang set down the empty mug of tea.

"I wanted to say goodbye." Wolfgang explained and Eleanor nodded, "And?"

"I wanted your confession." Wolfgang added and Eleanor raised an eyebrow at him, "My confession?"

"I want the truth about us."

Eleanor nodded and looked up at Wolfgang, her eyes unreadable. Unlike most people, she had never been easy for him to decipher, it was part of her intrigue.

"I loved you, I always did." Eleanor confessed, "Every day from the day we met, I loved you. But you had so much darkness, so much anger back then. It wasn't the right time."

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