Chapter 60 - 'Destroy Whoever Stands In The Way.'

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"Sister. The years have been kind to you." Klaus greeted as he entered the compound. Freya smiled and shrugged, "Well, you know, just sun block, the love of a good woman and literal witchcraft."

"You can't stay. Hope's home." Wolfgang said and Klaus nodded. The hunter focused his hearing to find that Hope was still in her room.

"I have no interest in infecting my daughter with this darkness." Klaus replied, "Once we've found her mother, I'll crawl back to whence I came. Freya, this city reeks of blood like it hasn't since the War of 1812."

"Yeah, well, you're to blame this time. I know you spoke with Elijah and then, hours later, it rained red."

"No story that begins with water turning into blood has ever ended in triumph." Klaus sighed, turning to business, "I need to leave or things are gonna get worse. Tell me about Hayley."

"Tried every locator spell I know in every language I know and I don't..." Freya started but was interrupted by a gasp from the doorway. Hope stood there, in shock at the sight of Klaus.


"Oh fuck." Wolfgang swore as he saw her, realising that things would only get worse from there.


"Yeah, all right. Uh, a few people are suggesting that you can't be the king of the vampires because..."  Josh said, thinking of the best way to voice his thoughts, "Well, because you're not a vampire. Hey, they have a point. I mean, that hybrid bite that could wipe the rest of us out, basically just a hickey to you."

"Excuse me a minute." Marcel said before turning to where Wolfgang and Klaus stood, "You can't be here."

"Crashing a funeral, my favorite way to spend a Friday night."  Klaus joked before turning to address Marcel, "It's good to see you, Marcellus, after all this time. Sorry about Rebekah."

"I'm sure you are. It's good to see you, too. Why are you here?" Marcel asked, wary of the hybrid's presence. Wolfgang sighed and crossed his arms.

"Hayley's missing. It's been days." Wolfgang explained, "Don't worry, I'll make certain that he sticks to the shadows, but there's certain leads we can't follow while doing so."

"What do you need from me?"


"You know, for a gent with a missing paramour, you're awfully chipper." Klaus mused as he walked into Rousseau's and behind Declan.

"You might avoid sneaking up on a bloke with a blade in his hand." Declan replied as he turned around, knife in hand.

"Where's Hayley Marshall?" Klaus asked, having no time for small talk.

"Best guess; roaming about her giant house sorting out inspired new ways to be emotionally unavailable." Declan said, setting the knife down, "Who the hell's asking?"

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