Chapter 29 - 'I Fucked Up.'

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Freya was hesitant to enter the compound when she saw the state it was in.

Blood and shattered furniture was strewn everywhere. The fountain had been cracked and was leaking water. Pieces of cloth littered the ground.

The witch picked up a piece of wood and held it before her like a sword as she walked into the dining room.

She lowered it at the sight of Wolfgang, Klaus and Elijah sat at the table, bloodied but acting as if nothing happened.

Elijah was pouring a glass of whiskey for Wolfgang, who was bleeding into a cup to cure the bite on Klaus neck. Klaus was bleeding into a glass for Elijah.

The three exchanged the glasses and Freya took them in curiously. She sat down opposite them and sighed.

"What happened here?"

"The three of us had a little chat about the past. Harsh words were traded and insults about incinerated girlfriends and infatuated whores were made but in the end I convinced Klaus and Elijah that they had nothing to fear from me."

"So after this.... civilised discourse, your conclusion was that you are better as allies than enemies?" Freya questioned and Elijah nodded.

"We decided that if we were to pick sides, it should be that of the inevitable winner." Klaus explained. Elijah and Wolfgang nodded and clinked their glasses against each others.

"To our victory." Elijah toasted before they all took a sip. Freya nodded at them and stood and Wolfgang rose, brushing himself off.

"Can I interest you in breakfast?" Wolfgang asked and Freya nodded gratefully before following him to the kitchen.


Wolfgang found it disturbing when William burst in to his office while he was in the middle of a phone call.

"William, this better be good." Wolfgang said after he hung up. The vampire sighed and shifted nervously on his feet.

"Um, Mr Nachtstern, it's Moses Theresa."

"What about him?" Wolfgang questioned and William swallowed. The vampire worked up the courage to speak before he decided to just blurt it out.

"Moses is in New Orleans. He killed six of our men using Ruthven's Sword down by the docks." William explained. Wolfgang laced his fingers together and rested his chin on them as he thought.

"Call Natalya." Wolfgang ordered, "Call Natalya and see if you can reach Charlotte or Nathaniel. Tell them to meet me in Rousseau's in an hour."

William left and Wolfgang sat back with a sigh. He had made a big mess and needed to deal with Moses before the vampire hunter went overboard.

"Klaus?" Wolfgang asked as he dialled the hybrid's number. The hybrid remained silent for a moment before he answered.

"Yes, Wolfgang? Is there a problem?"

"I fucked up. Moses Theresa is in town, and he has a magic sword that makes him more powerful as he kills vampires."

"Moses? Is Rayna with him?" Klaus asked, concerned that they were both in the same city as his daughter.

"No. Moses is alone but he's already killed six vampires from my sireline." Wolfgang explained. Klaus sighed and sat there for a moment before he spoke up.

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