Chapter 34 - 'Should I Be Flattered?'

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Author's Note - This chapter contains graphic violence. If that isn't really your thing then skip the scene that begins with the [_] symbol.

Wolfgang walked into the bar. The thick mantle of the night had dominated the sky and it was in this darkness that creatures like Wolfgang thrived.

The vampire sat at the bar when the bartender walked over to him. Wordlessly, she put down a cloth, a glass of water and a mirror in front him.

"You look like you need to clean up and our bathroom is flooded." The bartender explained and Wolfgang smiled as he looked down at his bloody knuckles.

"You should see the other guys." Wolfgang replied as he took the cloth and wiped some blood off his face. The bartender smiled and crossed her arms.

"Guys? As in plural?"

"Four of them. All in a hospital." Wolfgang said, leaving out that they were probably in the morgue of the hospital.

"Why'd you beat up four guys?" The bartender asked. Wolfgang read her name off of the tag on her shirt before he wiped his hands of blood.

"Well, Ashley, they tried to force themselves on a defenseless woman." Wolfgang explained, again leaving out that he had drained the woman of her blood after he killed the aspiring rapists.

"Then they got themselves what they deserved." Ashley answered and Wolfgang smiled, placing the cloth down and checking that all the blood was gone in the mirror.

"I'll have a bourbon, neat." Wolfgang ordered and the brunette moved to pour him a drink.

"So what brings you to New York?" Ashley questioned, "Because you're a long way from London."

Wolfgang smirked at the assumption she had made based on his accent, "I'm from Germany, actually."

"Well, you're still a long way from Europe." Ashley continued. Wolfgang nodded and took a sip of his drink.

"I used to live here." Wolfgang said and Ashley nodded, "How long ago? Because I've never seen you before."

"Ages." Wolfgang replied. Ashley nodded and wiped down the bar, "You don't seem that old."

"I'm older than people think." Wolfgang said with a knowing smile on his face.

"So what brings you back?" Ashley questioned and Wolfgang sighed, "I have an old friend in town, I'm afraid she's got herself into a bit of a problem."

Ashley smiled, "Is she the type that gets into a lot of trouble?"

"Yeah." Wolfgang replied as he finished the drink. Ashley glanced at him, "And you're the one always getting her out of it?"

"Let me guess, Ashley, you're a bartender with a psychology degree?" Wolfgang asked, thinking of Cami.

"You got me." Ashley replied with a smile, "And it's Ash."

"Wolfgang." The hunter replied, running a hand through his hair, "And I'll stick with Ashley."

The vampire placed two hundred dollars on the table and turned to leave with a smile.

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