Chapter 2 - 'I Like Her Spirit.'

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The Originals Season 2, Episode 1 -

Wolfgang tilted his head back as he downed the shot, looking around the mostly abandoned bar. The Nachtstern offered the bartender a smile before reading her name off of the tag she was wearing.

"Camille, have you ever been in a position where you really didn't want to do something but sort of had to?" Wolfgang asked. Cami sighed and poured him another drink, he was paying quite a bit after all.

"It's Cami, Camille makes me sound like an old French woman." The blonde corrected. Wolfgang shook his head, "So, anyways, Camille, have you ever been in a similar situation?"

"Many, many times." Cami replied and Wolfgang nodded. He downed the second shot and faced the bartender, shaking his head as he let out an exaggerated sigh.

"I'm part of the clean up squad for my mate. I hear he's gotten himself into a bit of a bind over here. In fact, he dragged my ass all the way to New Orleans from New York." Wolfgang explained. Cami sighed before she wiped down the bar.

"You remind me of two people I know. You seem like a weird combination of them both." Cami commented. Wolfgang smiled as he realised who she was talking about, "Let me guess, those two people are Klaus and Elijah Mikaelson?"

"Great, you know them." Cami replied sarcastically as she rolled her eyes and Wolfgang smiled. He placed a few hundred dollar bills on the table before standing up, straightening his suit as his eyes sparkled with amusement, "I have a feeling that I will be seeing you around, Camille."

"Yeah, so do I." The blonde replied and Wolfgang nodded, holding his hand out for her to shake. Cami complied and Wolfgang tilted it upwards, placing a kiss to the back of it, "Until we meet again, Camille."


Cami walked down a street in the French Quarter after grabbing a coffee. As she walked, two of Francesca Guerrera's werewolf lackeys, both with moonlight rings, began to follow her. Cami quickly noticed that she was being followed and turned around to confront them.

"It never gets old for you guys, does it?" Cami questioned, "Like a couple of dogs with a bone. Tell Francesca I'm just trying to live a normal life. See if you can get that through her thick, canine skull."

She waited for them to respond, but they just glared at her. The blonde sighed, shaking her head in frustration.

"Why do I bother?" Cami asked rhetorically, preparing to walk past them. Before she could do anything, Wolfgang sped up behind the two werewolves and slammed his hands through their chests, casually pulling out the werewolves' hearts before throwing the organs to the floor, his face painted with disdain.

"Filthy dogs." Wolfgang muttered, his English accent highlighting the words as he spoke with disgust. The Nachtstern vampire pulled a handkerchief from his breast pocket, wiping his hands of blood as he let out a sigh. Cami shook her head and turned to the vampire, crossing her arms, "So, you're a vampire?"

"The name's Wolfgang Nachtstern and you're very welcome for me saving your life." Wolfgang replied as Cami frowned, looking at him carefully now that she had a name to put with his face, "Wolfgang as in the Wolfgang?"

"The Butcher of Florence? Yes." Wolfgang answered, his lips curving upwards into a smile as he gave Cami his signature smirk at the look of recognition on her face, "I see Nik has mentioned me."

"He has. A lot actually. He says you're his best friend." Cami explained and the hunter smiled, offering his arm for Cami to interlink with her own, "Now, I have an appointment with the Mikaelsons, care to accompany me?"

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