Chapter 38 - 'This Is For The Best.'

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A/N - Above is an image of Schloss Raske in Germany.

Klaus paced around the compound, his face in his hands as he thought about the series of new murders in New Orleans.

"For a thousand years, I have desecrated this earth, creating enemies as I made my name. All of these foes were bound to me, and so, I couldn't have been safer. Now, with their lives unlinked from me, they will come. Devils of every order will crawl from every crevice and hole to kill me."

"It's only been a few days. Must you already set into crippling paranoia?" Freya questioned. Elijah rolled his eyes, "It's a default setting."

"With good reason." Wolfgang defended, "Klaus has done whatever the hell he liked for hundreds of years, and now, the idea of there being repercussions is very real. His sirelings will no longer scramble to protect him, many will even try to end him themselves."

"We have to find this new foe, and end them." Klaus reiterated as he walked over to his cabinet and withdrew a box, rummaging through letters inside.

"You collected trophies from your victims?" Freya questioned and Wolfgang laughed, "Specifically, letters from their loved ones."

"It was a phase!" Klaus defended. Elijah nodded, "A phase during a time that forced us to learn a new type of stealth."

"Here." Klaus said in victory as he held up a letter, "Gasper Cortez. A particularly vile warlord I dealt with in the 17th century."

"And what exactly is his grievance against you?" Freya asked. Klaus shrugged.

"I may have killed one or two..."

"Five." Elijah corrected. Klaus sighed, "Five of his brutish brothers and his father."

"I heard there was something with the mistress." Wolfgang added. Klaus groaned and looked at the vampire, "That was an accident and you know it."

"And why did you destroy his family?"

"They ransacked my favourite artist's retreat, Belaga." Klaus explained. Wolfgang sighed and smiled, "If you ask me, they did that horrendous place a favour."

"Agreed." Elijah said, "Belaga was a pigsty and an ugly city that was begging to be razed."

"You two have no taste." Klaus replied before he paused as he sensed something. The hybrid sped into the courtyard, where he grabbed Davina in a chokehold and lifted her up.

"Rather foolish of you to come here alone." Klaus spat. A blur hit Klaus and threw him across the courtyard.

"She didn't come alone, brother." Kol said. Klaus got to his feet and faced his brother.

"Kol." Klaus said. It looked as though Klaus was his going to assault his newly ressurected brother. The hybrid shocked everyone by pulling Kol in for a hug.

Kol looked surprised before he too wrapped his arms around his brother and returned the hug. Elijah approached as Klaus let Kol go. The older brother smiled at Kol and hugged him.

"You haven't aged a day." Elijah said as Kol looked at him gratefully. Wolfgang walked up to Kol carefully and the Original smiled at his friend.

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