Chapter 49 - 'In The End, We're Family.'

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Wolfgang sat at his desk when the newly turned vampire stormed into his office. The man stopped a few steps away from the desk and threw an object onto the desk. Wolfgang put down his pen and picked up the object. It was a golden daylight ring with a blue lapis lazuli stone set in it.

"That belonged to Isaac Mathews' second-in-command." The vampire, Raymond, explained. Wolfgang nodded and exchanged a look with William, who unbuttoned his suit jacket in anticipation, his hand resting on the handgun at his hip.

"Belonged?" Wolfgang questioned and Raymond nodded, "He's dead now, so I figure you owe me one."

"I owe you?" Wolfgang laughed, "You acted rashly and risked everything." The hunter shook his head and sat back, steepling his fingers.

"There is no way that Isaac won't strike back. If he does, he'll bring in the other factions and start a war." Wolfgang lectured, "I wanted a swift assassination, a quiet coup, not a bloody massacre."

"Well, it's done, and now, I need protection." Raymond countered, "And I learnt a few things about you. Like they say, knowledge is power."

"William, rip his head off." Wolfgang commanded. The vampire stepped forwards to follow the order but Wolfgang held up a hand, "Actually, tear him limb from limb."

William moved to do as Wolfgang commanded but the hunter stopped him once again, "I've changed my mind, blow his brains out."

William withdrew the gun from a holster at his hip and pressed it against the back of Raymond's head, who closed his eyes as he awaited death.

"William." Wolfgang called, stopping his lackey, "I want you to take his daylight ring and burn him in the sun."

William moved to do so but Wolfgang cleared his throat, interrupting him, "Actually, spare him."

Raymond sat back, relieved, once William moved to his previous position against the wall.

"You've made your point." Raymond gasped out and Wolfgang leaned forwards in his seat.

"Yes, but now I'm going to explain it." Wolfgang countered, "Knowledge, wealth, strength, they're all fleeting, here one moment..."

Wolfgang snapped his fingers to emphasis his point, "Gone the next. Power is so much more. Power is fear, respect, loyalty. When someone fears you, they will do anything. When they respect you, they will follow you. If they're loyal, they will die for you. Alone, these are useless. Together, they are the essence of power."

Wolfgang motioned for Raymond to stand up and the vampire did so, fearful for his life.

"I rather like you, Raymond. But if you cross me again, act out like you did today..." Wolfgang said as he drummed his fingers against the desk, "I'll kill you in ways that will give even monsters nightmares."

Raymond nodded vigorously. William tapped his earpiece as someone spoke into it. Wolfgang clenched his jaw and gestured at the door.

"Get out of my face." Wolfgang ordered and Raymond scurried away. William cleared his throat and Wolfgang looked at him.

"Herr Nachtstern, Mr Grace and Madame Vornehm have arrived at Nachtstern Manor." William informed him and Wolfgang nodded. The vampire rose from his seat and William moved forwards to lead the way.


Wolfgang entered the living room as Adrian and Natalya stood around. They approached the hunter and greeted one another before they all sat down.

"So, I assume you will both be staying in Nachtstern Manor?" Wolfgang asked and Natalya nodded as Adrian seemed to weigh it up in his mind.

"Sure, there's enough bedrooms in this place." Adrian finally agreed and Wolfgang nodded before beckoning over one of the maids.

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