Chapter 5 - 'I'm To Just Be Ignored Then?'

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Hayley picked up a grape from the table, putting it into her mouth as she took a bite, relishing in the taste. Klaus walked in and frowned as he saw the table of food.

"Which restaurant is missing a compelled chef?" Hayley asked and Klaus shook his head, "This wasn't me."

"Neither was it me." Elijah added as he walked down the stairs and into the courtyard, "Perhaps we have Wolfgang to thank?"

"While it is a trick I've pulled many times before, usually to woo a pretty lady, this wasn't me." The vampire in question said as he appeared behind them, "Sadly for you, I'm not interested in having a second go at the Mikaelsons. So, this wasn't me."

A covered plate on the table began to rattle before a starling burst free and flew up. The bird was a symbol of Esther and Wolfgang tensed at the thought of the Original Witch.

Klaus walked forwards and picked up a card from the tray, reading it before throwing it down onto the table.

"That was an invitation from our mother. She wants dinner." Klaus explained before he walked off.


Elijah and Wolfgang walked into Marcel's loft. The vampire had been spending more time with Elijah and although the noble brother was not his favourite Original, Wolfgang just couldn't stand Klaus' insistence on spending time with the werewolves.

"Marcellus, we need the help of a witch." Elijah announced as he entered. Marcel frowned and turned to the two vampires.

"Davina's gone AWOL, so can't help you there." Marcel replied and Wolfgang pointed at Gia, who was correcting books on Marcel's shelves.

"Your new librarian's daylight ring suggests otherwise." Elijah observed and Wolfgang walked up to the newly turned vampire.

"Wolfgang Nachtstern." Wolfgang introduced and Elijah and Marcel both sighed.

"Not now." Elijah reprimanded and Wolfgang rolled his eyes.

"I was just saying hello." Wolfgang defended and Marcel rolled his eyes.

"For you, that's flirting." Marcel pointed out and Wolfgang looked pissed off before he stepped away from Gia.

"There's a witch in this part of town, name's Lenore." Marcel explained, "But she's no fan of vampires."

Wolfgang was about to comment something along the lines of 'all women love me' but was interrupted by his phone ringing.

Wolfgang excused himself and stepped outside to take the call. He smiled as he saw the caller.

"What can I do for you, Charlie?" Wolfgang asked as he answered the phone. The vampire on the other end smiled, high off her own happiness.

"Well, I just wanted to check up on my favourite brother." Charlotte replied and Wolfgang smirked. The vampire shook his head.

"I'm your only brother. You want to tell me something." Wolfgang countered. He could always see right through Charlotte and the blonde sighed.

"You always could see right through me, Wolf." Charlotte replied as Wolfgang could tell that she was smiling, "It's David."

"What about David? Do I have to kill him?" Wolfgang questioned and Charlotte laughed. Wolfgang smiled despite himself, his sireling could always put him in a good mood.

"He proposed." Charlotte explained and Wolfgang chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Took him long enough. You've been together what, thirty years now?" Wolfgang responded and Charlotte sighed.

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