Chapter 56 - 'Honour Elijah's Memory And Be The Man He Saw You As.'

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"The Hollow, she's getting stronger." Hope said and Wolfgang looked at the young tribrid, trying to read her.

Klaus looked at his daughter in shock, "You can sense her?"

"When we first got here, there was always music outside, people dancing, laughing. But since she came back, it's so quiet. Like she's draining everything out of the city. She already took Uncle Elijah. And soon she will come for the rest of us."

"Listen, Hope, I know you're scared. But over the years, a lot of bad people have stood against our family, and all of them have fallen. The Hollow is no different." Klaus assured her but Hope shook her head.

"No, she is different." Hope replied and klaus sighed as Wolfgang stood up and left the room.

"Despite the spell I cast, the very integrity of the pendant is growing unstable." Freya explained, "It won't be able to hold Elijah's soul much longer. We need to find a way to resurrect him tonight, or we could lose him forever."

"To do that, we'll need more power." Hayley pointed out and Klaus sighed as he entered, "Let me guess, a grand sacrifice."

"I say we kill our enemy and sacrifice her, then Freya can channel the power from the Hollow's death, raise Elijah's body, and place him back where he belongs." Wolfgang said and Hayley shook her head.

"We've tried everything." Hayley countered and Wolfgang gave her a knowing smile before gesturing at Freyan

"And we've come close. Labonair blood is her Achilles' heel." Freya continued, "Hayley, your blood weakened her, but you've technically been dead for years. So it won't be strong enough to kill her. If we forge a blade using the blood of the last living Labonair..."

"We don't want Hope involved." Klaus argued and Freya sighed as she shook her head.

"She's already involved. Hope has been obsessed with the symbol that follows the Hollow: the serpent consuming itself. Now, I believe this is showing us the key, the only means to which she can be destroyed, her own blood.

The Hollow's one end of the Labonair bloodline. Hope is the other. And we need to close that loop. The best way to do that is for Hayley to wield a weapon forged with Hope's blood. When she stabs her, it's only then the Hollow can be obliterated completely."

"Then we make it work. I'll talk to Hope."


"Dauha naer do smrti. Dauha naer do smrti. Dauha naer do smrti." Freya chanted as the map flapped around.

"That's a rather odd locator spell." Rebekah said as she entered. Wolfgang smiled and Freya nodded.

"I'm trying to trace the Hollow's magic. Almost have it. She's in the Garden District." Freya explained. Wolfgang looked at the map and pointed at the symbol of the Hollow.

"That's the LaForge House. At one time, it was the center of high society, but that all changed when Dr. LaForge tortured and killed his friends and family. Claimed until his dying day that an evil spirit made him do it. That house has been derelict since."

"The perfect lair for someone who relishes tragedy." Freya said and Rebekah pointed at another mark on the map, "What's that?"

"If the serpent at the LaForge House represents the Hollow herself, then this must be some sort of totem she's using to magnify her power and protect herself." Freya suggested, "Dahlia used to use these when she was up to something particularly awful. It will render the Hollow unkillable. We will have to destroy it before we can face her."

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