Chapter 10 - 'Merry Christmas, You Dumb Cunt.'

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Wolfgang frowned at the sight he was met with. He was staring up at a white ceiling. The ground beneath him was soft, which was probably because it was a bed.

The vampire got to his feet and looked around, he was sat at the edge of the bed. Wolfgang had no idea where he was but he knew he wasn't alone.

Wolfgang concentrated, trying to recognise who was there with him. He furrowed his brow as he psychically felt around for his fellow residents.

An Original, no two Originals. A hybrid and the Original Hybrid. Wolfgang frowned as he picked up another presence. This was something else entirely. It felt like another hybrid, similar to Klaus but Wolfgang could tell that it was also something much more powerful.

Klaus entering the room holding a small child was what gave it away. He recognised the powerful signature as Hope Andrea Mikaelson. Klaus smiled at his newly awakened friend and turned to his daughter.

"It's about time you woke up." Klaus said and Wolfgang shook his head, getting to his feet unsteadily. Something wasn't right with him, which meant that Esther had screwed him over.

"How long was I out for?" Wolfgang asked and Klaus sighed. He sat down next to Wolfgang, balancing Hope in his arms as he unconsciously played with his daughter.

"A few days."

"What?" Wolfgang asked, shocked. Now he knew that something was definitely wrong. Klaus shook his head and sighed.

"You were out for a few days, so where did you go?"

"Who is this?" Wolfgang asked, pointing at Hope to quickly change the topic. Thankfully, Klaus let it slide and held out his daughter for Wolfgang to take.

The vampire hesitantly took the baby tribrid and stared deep into her blue eyes, remined of another pair he saw only in his dreams. Wolfgang was unsure of what to do, babies weren't exactly his thing.

"She's beautiful." Wolfgang finally breathed out, "She really got a double dose of Mikaelson genetics, didn't she?"

"That she did." Klaus replied with a smile. Wolfgang didn't notice as he looked into Hope's eyes, something about the child was comforting to him. Wolfgang felt as though he knew her, which was crazy because he most certainly didn't.

"What do you think of my littlest wolf?" Klaus questioned, Wolfgang smiled as he had a sudden thought.

"She's going to break hearts." Wolfgang replied, "She'll have the suitors lining up after her. Honestly, you'll have your hands full killing them."

"Well, it's a good thing that I'll have your help." Klaus responded before he took his daughter back. He turned to Wolfgang and smirked.

"Have a shower, I'm sure Rebekah wants to see you again." Klaus said before he left.


"Hello, sexy." Wolfgang greeted from behind the blonde Original. Rebekah turned with a smile to see the sight of Wolfgang leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed.

"Wolfgang." Rebekah greeted before she leapt at him and pulled him into a hug. Uncharacteristically, Wolfgang reciprocated and held Rebekah tight before he let go. The Original had changed, she seemed more mature.

Wolfgang pulled away and smiled at the blonde before Rebekah frowned. She placed her hands on her hips as she became serious.

"You owe me an explanation, I haven't seen you in over a year and when I do, you've been napping for a few days." Rebekah said. Wolfgang opened his mouth to reply but quickly closed it as he felt his stomach churn, a horribly foreign feeling.

The vampire ran to the kitchen and made it to the sink just in time for him to vomit up a load of blood. Wolfgang continued to retch as Klaus, Elijah, Hayley and Rebekah entered the room.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" Wolfgang questioned rhetorically as he wiped blood away from the side of his mouth. To be honest, Wolfgang felt like crap and he was pretty certain he knew who was responsible.

"That bitch." Wolfgang whispered to himself as he realised. Unfortunately for him, he was in a house with a load of vampires so Klaus frowned as Hayley covered Hope's ears.

"Language." Elijah warned and Wolfgang shook his head before Rebekah spoke up.

"This was Esther, wasn't it?" Rebekah asked and Wolfgang nodded before he sat down.

"What do you want to know?"


The Mikaelsons were ignoring Wolfgang after he explained that he went to visit Esther to discuss her deal. And by the Mikaelsons, he meant Rebekah and Klaus.

So that was why Wolfgang and Elijah were gathering firewood for Hope's first Christmas in silence. That was until Wolfgang split a log with his bare hands and sat down suddenly as he was overcome with his bloodlust.

"Wolfgang, are you okay?" Elijah asked as the other vampire shook his head to dispel his need to feed.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You know, it's okay. I considered taking the deal too." Elijah said to reassure Wolfgang. The hunter shook his head, not wanting to tell Elijah the real reason he had visited Esther.

"Let's just get this over with." Wolfgang replied as he lifted a pile of firewood and bought it over to the bonfire.

"Enough, Rebekah, any more wood and you'll set the whole bloody state of Arkansas on fire." Klaus said as he walked out of the house.

"Ignore him, Rebekah. He's just moody." Wolfgang said in her defence and Rebekah smiled at him before walking off. It was hard for her to keep a grudge against Wolfgang for long.

"You always indulge her worst ideas." Klaus sighed and Wolfgang smirked. The vampire dropped a match into the bonfire, setting it alight as Hayley walked outside with Hope.

"Look what I found." Rebekah shouted as she returned holding an old fashioned Polaroid camera.

"Oh, God damn it." Klaus muttered but the cheery blonde ignored him, "Think you can cram us into a selfie, Nik."

"Oh, Niklaus is a virtuoso at cramming his siblings into confined space." Elijah shot back and Wolfgang chuckled. Klaus simply glowered.

"I travel miles to visit my mentally ill brother only to have him insult me." Klaus sighed. Wolfgang put his arm around Klaus as he handed him the camera.

"Merry Christmas, you dumb cunt." Wolfgang said and Elijah shook his head.

"Languge, Wolfgang." Elijah reprimanded and the vampire shrugged before settling into the photo between Hayley, who was holding Hope, and Rebekah, his arm around the blonde's shoulder.

Klaus looked moody as he took the photo and Wolfgang smiled as he observed it. He was, as always, perfect.

"We can't keep it." Hayley sighed before she tossed the photo into the fire. Faster than any of them could see, Wolfgang retrieved it before it could burn, slipping it into his pocket and pretending as though he was adjusting one of the logs.

"I wish it didn't have to be like this." Hayley sighed wistfully, adjusting Hope in her arms. There was a long silence before Rebekah straightened up.

"I'll take the deal, and I'm going to take our bitch of a mother down with me."

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