Chapter 21 - 'Step Into The Light.'

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Wolfgang stood on top of a building when Elijah joined him a few seconds later. The Original approached the vampire from behind and eventually walked over to stand besides him.

"You summoned me?" Elijah questioned and Wolfgang nodded, his coat billowing in the wind. The vampire smiled at Elijah and turned around.

"This city is a dangerous place. Dahlia will stop at nothing to get to Hope and you are adamantly plotting against her."

"Did you call me here to talk me out of defending my niece?" Elijah asked and Wolfgang shook his head. The vampire sighed and went back to staring out at the New Orleans landscape.

"I'm not a fool, Elijah. You won't stop." Wolfgang replied, "Neither will Hayley, that's why she's running away, is she not?"

"What about it?"

"Well, I know someone who might strongly oppose that. In fact, to use your own words, his rage would be Shakespearian." Wolfgang said with a smirk. Elijah's eyes widened and he took a step closer to Wolfgang.

"You didn't." Elijah stated and Wolfgang looked him in the eye as he smiled at him coldly. Wolfgang took a step closer to Elijah so that they were nose to nose.

"I do so love throwing a spanner in the works." Wolfgang commented. Elijah whipped out his phone in disbelief and called Rebekah, anxiously waiting for confirmation.

Wolfgang smirked and walked towards the edge of the rooftop, "I'll leave you to deal with your brother." Wolfgang said before he jumped off the edge and vamp-sped away.


Marcel seemed caught off guard when two of his vampires dropped to the ground. Wolfgang stood behind them, their hearts in his hands. Marcel looked terrified of the vampire and Wolfgang smiled at the fear in his eyes as Klaus walked in.

"Now, Marcel, I believe you have something I want." Klaus said as he stepped forwards. Marcel's vampires walked forwards and Klaus nodded at Wolfgang.

The vampire made quick work of the vampires and Marcel watched helpless as Wolfgang killed all of his vampires except Gia. Klaus snapped Marcel's neck before stringing him up upside-down. Gia watched helplessly as Wolfgang walked towards her.

"Gia, is it? Elijah seems very fond of you." Wolfgang said and Gia gulped. The girl launched herself at Wolfgang but the hunter grabbed her and smashed her head into the wall.

"She has fire." Wolfgang said to Klaus and the hybrid watched as Wolfgang held the struggling vampire still, "Gia, you are going to do exactly as I say when I say it."

Marcel began struggling against his restraints as soon as he woke up but was stopped by the fact that he was upside-down, the blood flowing towards his brain. Klaus walked up to his former protégé and stabbed him in the stomach, dragging the knife across his skin and cutting him open.

"I'm bleeding you of vervain." Klaus explained. Wolfgang stood some distance away, pulling his fangs out of Gia's neck as the baby vampire stood there wordlessly.

"Thank you, darling." Wolfgang said and Klaus smiled. Marcel struggled further at the sight but that only served to make him bleed out faster.

"Now, I think that's enough." Klaus said as he looked into Marcel's eyes, "Where is the Crescent Curse that you had placed on the werewolves?"

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