Chapter 50 - 'The Demon King Of Chicago.'

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Warning - This chapter contains a mature scene. If that isn't really your thing, then skip the scene that starts with '{-}'.

Wolfgang and Adrian entered the hall with confidence, all eyes turning to the two as they joined the group.

Isaac, sat at the head of The Council table, narrowed his eyes at them as his lips pressed together in a thin line.

"This is a private meeting." A werewolf spat, "Isaac, tell your lackeys to leave."

Sylvester, seated at the foot of the table, held up his hand and sighed, "According to the Charter of The Council, it is well within their rights to attend."

"How?" Isaac questioned, outraged. Wolfgang walked forwards as everyone watched.

"I am Wolfgang Nachtstern." Wolfgang introduced, "The founder of the Council and therefore by default, a member of it."

The rest of The Council nodded in agreement and a witch watched Wolfgang curiously. The layout of the table was the same as when Wolfgang had created The Council.

At the head and foot of the table sat the Arbiters - in charge of maintaining peace, then, from the head of the table, sat two vampire representatives, two witch representatives, two werewolves and two humans.

"I sit on this Council." Wolfgang stated, before gesturing for Isaac to move, "You're in my seat."

Isaac's jaw clenched and he seemed as though he was going to lash out before he stood up and took the seat of one of the vampires.

"To business then." Wolfgang said, taking a seat and gesturing for the meeting to continue. A blonde witch spoke up immediately, pointing a finger at the werewolf alpha that had spoken earlier.

"The Blackclaw Pack have been trampling on witch territory. They have no respect for our rituals, especially during the full moon." The witch complained. Isaac nodded and Wolfgang thought over the dilemma.

"Well, it's clear that the werewolves -" Isaac began but was interrupted by Wolfgang, "The Blackclaw Pack and the?"

"Elysium Coven."

"Right." Wolfgang continued, "The Blackclaw Pack and the Elysium Coven will sit down and discuss the territory borders in the presence of Sylvester, who will seek permission from the other factions before finalising them."

The witch and werewolf seemed pleased and Sylvester nodded. Wolfgang looked around the table to see Adrian smiling at a clearly displeased Isaac.

"Any other concerns?" Wolfgang questioned and the vampire opposite Isaac nodded.

"There's a festival coming up, nothing too large, but the vampires are worried about feeding." The vampire pointed out. Wolfgang nodded and turned to Isaac.

"You liase with the mayor, work out a solution for feeding discretely." Wolfgang ordered, "Keep all vampires under fifty under supervision, I don't want any slip ups."

Isaac glared at Wolfgang and the hunter cocked an eyebrow at him, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips.

"Was I not clear?" Wolfgang asked and Isaac gritted his teeth before he glanced around the room and sighed, "Crystal clear."

"Good. Naturally, I want you all to keep your distance from Nachtstern Manor. Any and all influx of vampires are not of concern, I take responsibility for that." Wolfgang said and The Council members all nodded, "You are dismissed."

They all stood up and Wolfgang watched as they all left, Isaac barely keeping himself from lashing out. Adrian walked up to Wolfgang with a huge smile.

"Just fuck me already." Adrian sighed and Wolfgang smiled, "Don't tempt me, Grace."

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