Chapter 25 - 'Consider This Me Making Amends.'

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"Freya, it's about time you bought a gentleman home." Klaus said as he and Wolfgang walked into the courtyard.

"Who's this one? Actually, don't tell me." Wolfgang added, "Brody? Cody? Chad? I think we'll go with Brody."

"Well then, Brody." Klaus continued, turning to the frat boy, "What are your intentions for my sister?"

Freya rolled her eyes and the man she was with looked confused as Klaus smirked.

"Should we discuss a dowry?" Wolfgang asked and Klaus smirked as his eyes flashed golden, "Get out."

"If you could stop harassing my dates, that would be nice." Freya said as Brody ran off, "I just wanted a good time."

Wolfgang smirked as he brushed her blonde hair away from her shoulder, "If you wanted a good time, sweetheart, I'm right here. All you have to do is ask. I'm free, easy and a perfect gentleman."

"Enough, Wolfgang, you've already defiled one of my sisters, I would prefer you don't taint another."

"I'm not going to defile your sister." Wolfgang replied and Freya shook her head before walking away. Klaus shot Wolfgang a warning glance as he turned to leave.

"Stay away from my sister."


Cami was, to say the least, annoyed when Wolfgang sat down across from her and folded his arms. The human frowned and tapped the table.

"Sebastian Raske?" Cami asked and Wolfgang smiled as he leaned back in the seat, "My name at birth. Didn't think I would get an appointment using my real one."

"Yeah, I'm ending this. I want to help normal people with their normal problems." Cami replied and Wolfgang shook his head, sliding a cheque over to Cami.

"I am the owner of a multi million dollar company, I assure you I have normal problems. Like the PR crisis on my Twitter, I need to have Penny sort that out." Wolfgang argued. Cami rolled her eyes but searched him up on twitter out of curiosity, surprised to find a blue tick next to his name.

"Fine but only because you're paying triple the rate." Cami replied and Wolfgang sat back, "Stenographer style?"

Cami nodded and Wolfgang sat forwards, burying his face in his hands.

"I have a big problem right now. A man I knew a while ago has popped into town, his name's Nathaniel Sumner." Wolfgang explained and Cami cocked an eyebrow at him.

"He's a vampire too?" The psychologist asked and Wolfgang nodded, "My second sireling, actually. But Natalya is a separate can of worms."

"So, this Nathaniel, why does he trouble you so much?"

"He's almost certainly plotting something." Wolfgang replied and Cami gave him a look, "And he also tends to bring out certain bad habits."

"You don't want them bought out again?" Cami enquired and Wolfgang nodded.

"Nathaniel's influence is what earned me the title 'The Butcher Of Florence'. The cities and places we were in work differently than New Orleans." Wolfgang continued and Cami motioned for him to finish.

"My issues with Nathaniel began a while back. I sired him to save his life. The first thing he did was wipe out those that killed him. I saw in him a darkness that I nurtured, in turn he built up my own. When I last saw Nathaniel, I was in a bad place, a dark period. I'm not the same man anymore."

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