Chapter 13 - 'Well, Love, Welcome To Your First Torture Session.'

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A/N - Above is a picture of Wolfgang's daylight ring. His one has the Nachtstern Family Crest in gold on the seal, with it being raised on the Lapis Lazuli rather than engraved like in the picture.

"She's still in there but while she works, no-one can know that you're alive." The older man explained. Wolfgang brushed a strand of auburn hair out of the way of the beautiful woman's face and looked down at the sleeping goddess.

"This better work or I will tear this world to pieces to get you back." Wolfgang whispered to her.

Wolfgang woke up and moved to stand up when he found himself tied to his chair with vervain soaked ropes. His daylight ring was missing and he was bleeding from several cuts on his body, held open with iron clips.

"Very kinky, Elijah." Wolfgang shouted as he groaned in pain. The Original in question appeared and faced Wolfgang.

"You need to calm down." Elijah stated and Wolfgang shook his head with a sigh.

"I've been sipping vervain for four hundred years, Elijah. It has no effect. So, take the clamps out and let me go." Wolfgang sighed. Elijah shook his head and walked into the sunlight so that Wolfgang could not get to him.

"You need to calm down and when we're convinced you are not a threat, we will release you." Elijah explained and Wolfgang scoffed as he struggled in his chair.

"You're going to babysit me? How boring."

"Not me. Camille." Elijah corrected and Wolfgang rolled his eyes. Elijah merely walked away and a short while later, Cami entered carrying Hope.

"Well, love, welcome to your first torture session." Wolfgang said to the baby and Cami sat down opposite him with a defeated sigh. This was going to be a hard day...


Wolfgang was singing aloud as Cami very boredly looked over a book. She was getting annoyed at Wolfgang as he continued to sing the German lullaby.

"Can you cut it out?" Cami asked, exasperated and Wolfgang shook his head. He leaned forwards in his chair, unaffected by the pain.

"No. You're stuck here with me, Camille. So, suck it up, Princess." Wolfgang replied before he sat back in the chair and continued to sing.

"It's Cami, okay. Camille makes me sound like an old French lady." Cami stated, "Besides, it makes people keep on flirting with me in French."

"C'est parce que tu est magnifique." Wolfgang said in perfect French. Cami groaned and closed her book.

"Can you just stop?" Cami asked, "It's getting annoying."

"Nope." Wolfgang said, popping the 'p', "Just let me out and we'll be fine."

"Elijah said that you're dangerous." Cami countered and Wolfgang rolled his eyes as he ripped the ropes off of his wrist. Cami didn't notice as Wolfgang leaned forwards, gathering his strength.

"Don't try it, I'm on vervain." Cami stated, sensing what Wolfgang was about to do. The vampire smirked and looked Cami in the eyes anyways.

"Cami, take the clamps out of my arms." Wolfgang compelled. Cami stood up and put the book down on the chair, turning Hope around in her baby seat so she couldn't see the bloody display about to take place.

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