Chapter 12 - 'Do I Not Get A Cool Spirit Animal?'

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Wolfgang sighed as he sat in front of the canvas, his phone on speaker as he argued with his secretary.

"Wolfgang, you need to come into the office and close this deal." Penny argued. Wolfgang rolled his eyes as he added a brushstroke to his painting.

"I can't come in. If they don't want to sell to you instead of me, then the deal isn't happening." Wolfgang countered. Penny sighed loudly and Wolfgang continued to paint.

"But Wolfgang -"

"Don't 'but Wolfgang' me." Wolfgang interrupted, "They deal with you or they don't deal at all. End of."

"Fine." Penny replied. Wolfgang set his paintbrush down into the pot of water as he stirred it, trying to get the paint off.


"Yes, sir?"

"Take a holiday and give yourself a raise." Wolfgang said before he hung up. The vampire sighed loudly. Spending time away from others helped him to keep his bloodlust under control.

Wolfgang looked over his painting of the landscape with a smile. Although he was by no means a great artist, he was proficient enough for the painting to be admired.

He shoved his phone into his pocket as he stood up and turned to leave. He could tidy up later but for now, he grabbed the canvas and held it gently as he made his way back to the safehouse.


Wolfgang decided to harness his newfound need to focus into one of his many talents - cooking, or more aptly, baking. So, as Wolfgang placed a cake into the oven, he sighed and poured himself a drink.

"Big drink for a big boy." Wolfgang sighed to himself as he took a sip. The vampire breathed in sharply as all he could focus on was Cami's heartbeat and his overwhelming desire to kill her. It was clear that Esther had amped up his bloodlust to highlight how much of a monster he was.

Wolfgang closed his eyes and focused on his breathing in an effort to control himself. Suddenly, Wolfgang felt lightheaded and the glass dropped out of his hand before Wolfgang fell to the floor, unconscious.


Wolfgang woke up in a large cabin with Klaus, Elijah and Kol. The hunter looked around at them and sat down with a sigh as he recognised the Chambre Du Chasse.

"Now my cake's going to burn." Wolfgang huffed just as Finn entered, who Wolfgang assumed was responsible for this whole affair.

"You're in a Chambre Du Chasse, my brothers. Let's discuss your disgusting preference for Vampirism." Finn explained and Wolfgang looked around the cabin.

"This place works off of representational magic. So something here represents us." Kol added. Finn nodded and the quartet looked around to find what represented them.

Their eyes fell on the animal heads mounted on the walls. Behind Klaus was a wolf. Kol was a fox, Elijah was a stag and Finn was a boar. Wolfgang frowned as he looked around and could not spot his own animal.

"Do I not get a cool spirit animal ?" Wolfgang asked and Elijah sighed at his pettiness. Klaus ignored them both and turned to Finn.

"What is the purpose of this?" Klaus questioned and Finn smirked and turned to his brothers.

"We're here to confess. I believe we've been keeping too many secrets." Finn said and watched as Klaus, Elijah and Wolfgang tensed up. All three of them were thinking of Hope. Kol rolled his eyes and let out a sigh.

"Well, whatever secrets they have, I clearly don't know." Kol sighed. Finn shook his head and smirked at his brother.

"You require punishment for such harsh betrayal."

"Ooh, punish me, then can I go? I have better things to do." Kol stated and Finn smirked before he flicked his wrist. Kol fluctuated and then disappeared, his fox leaving with him.

"The three of you are keeping something from me. Niklaus remains on edge while Elijah and Wolfgang are God knows where. So, dearest brothers, what are you hiding?"

"Even if we are, like hell we'll tell you." Wolfgang spat and Finn smiled as he gestured to the chairs.

"Now, now. We have all the time in the world. One of you will break." Finn replied. Wolfgang sighed and sat down.

"My cake is definitely going to burn."

"We don't have to tell you anything if we escape." Elijah stated aloud. Finn didn't move to make a reply but Wolfgang pointed at the animal heads with a sigh.

"Representational magic works based off of a perception of you. Change the perception, the magic breaks and the Chambre Du Chasse collapses, letting us escape." Wolfgang explained, still trying to figure out what he was being represented by.

"I'm the one that killed Tatia, Niklaus." Elijah confessed, changing the idea of the noble stag, blood pouring out of the animal's head. Klaus deliberated as he processed the information.

Wolfgang waited for him to change the perception but he could see that it was hard for him. That's when it clicked. Wolfgang was represented by the fire - bringer of chaos and discord. So Wolfgang decided to do the opposite and bring peace.

"She's been dead for a thousand years, Klaus. He's your brother, forgive him." Wolfgang advised. The fire flared up before it died and the Chambre Du Chasse began to shake violently. Klaus put his arm on Elijah's shoulder and looked his brother in the eye.

"I forgive you." Klaus said and the Chambre Du Chasse collapsed around them. Finn's eyes widened in shock as his perception of the trio changed.


Wolfgang gasped as he woke up to find Cami standing over him and Elijah, who were both passed out.

Wolfgang got to his feet unsteadily amd took in a deep breath as he felt the need to rip into Cami's throat and drain her of her blood. But stronger than that urge was his overwhelming need to kill Elijah and feed off of him.

"I need to get back to New Orleans." Wolfgang said and Elijah shook his head, holding up his hands as Wolfgang began to panic.

"Wolfgang, neither of us are in any state to return."

"I'm perfectly capable of controlling myself." Wolfgang roared as his pupils and his sclera turned pitch black as the veins surrounding them darkened. Cami took a step back at Wolfgang's unique vampire face and the hunter bared his fangs.

Elijah ran at Wolfgang but the vampire threw him to the side as he turned to Cami. Overcome by his bloodlust, Wolfgang launched at the human and sank his fangs into her neck. Cami let out a pained scream and Elijah ripped the vampire off of her. Wolfgang growled and bared his fangs at Elijah but the Original snapped his neck.

"Something's not right with Wolfgang." Cami commented and Elijah nodded as he adjusted his shirt cuffs.

"He needs to be controlled." Elijah said as he contemplated what to do next.

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