Chapter 53 - 'Everything I Touch, I Destroy.'

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Wolfgang paced the garden nervously, as he awaited the beginning of the wedding. He was uneasy with the mark adamant on his chest, irritating him to no end.

"Lighten up, Wolfgang." Nathaniel said, handing Wolfgang a glass of champagne, "Lottie will still be your sister after this."

"That's not what I'm worried about." Wolfgang said, his hand unconsciously rubbing the brand carved above his heart, "Let's just end this quickly."

"Well, I'm waiting on you guys." Nathaniel replied, "Your gay priest is right here. Just need the bride and groom."

Wolfgang nodded and noticed Penny and Adrian not too far away. The hunter sighed and headed over to them, straightening his bow tie.

"Let's go over this one last time." Wolfgang suggested as everyone gathered around him, "Nathaniel is officiating the ceremony. Adrian is the best man and Penny is Maid of Honour. Natalya is one of the bridesmaids and I'm walking Charlotte down the aisle."

"Yup." Natalya agreed, "Pretty straightforward." Wolfgang nodded before he pulled out a piece of paper.

"So, we've been doing the whole pre-wedding stuff from nine. The ceremony is at one. That takes us to around three, the reception is at half three and we finish off at five with a buffet." Wolfgang continued and the party all nodded.

"It'll all go smoothly, Wolfgang, don't worry." Adrian reassured him and the hunter nodded. Penny rubbed his back supportively, "You're worrying more than the bride and groom."

"It's just, it's for Charlie. Everything has to be perfect for her." Wolfgang explained and Natalya smiled.

"Okay, I'm going to rendezvous with David and then Charlie, talk them through it too." Wolfgang announced before walking off.

"God help them." Penny exclaimed as she watched his retreating figure. Wolfgang ignored her and continued to search for his sister and brother-in-law. David was the one he found first, sat in a room within Nachtstern Manor, preparing for the wedding.

"David." Wolfgang greeted and his sireling looked up at him. Wolfgang sat down opposite David and smiled at him.

"Ceremony starts in half an hour." Wolfgang informed him and David nodded. The vampire sighed before he turned serious.

"David, you're not a fool but I'm going to remind you of this. Although I know you wouldn't hurt her, if you do anything that upsets Charlotte, I will make your life so miserable that you will wish you were dead. You will spend every waking moment fearful for your happiness, knowing that at any moment I will destroy it."

David nodded and glanced at the clock, standing to his feet, "Well, I better head to the garden then. Give Charlie my love."

Wolfgang nodded and rose before heading off to his sister's room. He knocked gently on the door and entered after she admitted him.

"Wolf." Charlotte greeted and Wolfgang smiled at his sister. The hunter pulled her into a hug and held on tightly.

"Charlie, you look stunning." Wolfgang complimented and his sister blushed. Wolfgang wasn't exaggerating when he said that.

Charlotte was dressed in pure white from head to toe, her wedding dress was extravagant and beautiful, made from pure silk and lace. Her veil was nearly transparent and made from lace, so long that it reached the ground. A three metre train ran behind the dress that her bridesmaids would no doubt carry.

"Thank you, brother." Charlotte replied as she took in her brother, "You don't look half bad yourself." Wolfgang laughed and looked down at himself.

He was wearing a traditional tuxedo. He was wearing a pleated white shirt, cufflinks securing the sleeves. A black bow tie was wrapped around his neck, with a white waistcoat from which a golden pocket watch was suspended. On top of the waistcoat, Wolfgang wore a black suit jacket that reached his knees, and was pristine in appearance.

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