Chapter 27 - 'I Love A Good Party.'

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Wolfgang was, quite obviously, less than pleased when he woke up to two vampire guards stationed outside his house. The hunter invited them in and compelled them to follow his every command.

One of the guards handed him an envelope and Wolfgang opened it warily, pulling out the invitation within.

"Tristan De Martel invites you to a night of enjoyment amongst true equals." Wolfgang read, turning the card over and seeing the Strix's owl emblem on the back.

"I love a good party." Wolfgang sighed as he pulled out his phone to call Charlotte.


Wolfgang was pacing up and down when Nathaniel walked into his office. Wolfgang threw the invitation towards him and Nathaniel caught it, glancing over it quickly.

"What do you know about this?" Wolfgang questioned and Nathaniel shrugged. The older vampire grabbed him and slammed his head down onto the desk harshly.

"I swear I don't know anything." Nathaniel replied and Wolfgang shook his head.

"What is Tristan planning?" Wolfgang compelled. Nathaniel remained silent and then laughed before gasping as Wolfgang throttled him.

"You can't compel me, Wolfgang." Nathaniel gasped out. Wolfgang dropped him and stood back.

"What does he want?" Wolfgang asked for a final time. Nathaniel shook his head and Wolfgang gestured towards the door.

"Thank you for coming."


Wolfgang found it interesting when he pulled up outside of the mansion, with the party apparently in full swing.

The vampire tossed the keys of his Porsche to the valet and walked inside, seeking out familiar faces.

All eyes were drawn to him as he entered the ballroom. The Strix were awed at his presence, a living myth amongst them.

"I understand their obsession with Elijah, but why is everyone staring at you?" Hayley asked as Wolfgang walked towards her and Elijah.

The members of the Strix parted for him as he walked, in shock at his mere existence. Wolfgang ignored them and faced Hayley, used to drawing this type of reaction from people who knew who he was.

"Should I tell her or should you?" Wolfgang asked Elijah, who shook his head and took a sip of his champagne, "It's your story."

"They look at me like this because I am a myth. The name Wolfgang Nachtstern is a whisper on the wind." The Hunter explained, "I am a legend told to strike fear. Many don't believe I exist. Most of those who do have never seen me. The man who could kill every last vampire in a day if it took his fancy."

"Wow. It's just, I don't know, normal to see you guys." Hayley replied, not comprehending the sway and effect Wolfgang and Elijah had on the supernatural community.

"Marcellus is here." Elijah said, breaking the silence and changing the topic. Wolfgang frowned and looked around for Klaus' adopted son.

"Any idea why?" Wolfgang questioned and Elijah shook his head, "They're withholding information."

Wolfgang looked around until he spotted Marcel with Aya Ar-Rashid and Mohinder. The vampire kissed his teeth and downed a glass of champagne.

"I knew Tristan had an ulterior motive but I didn't know what."

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