Chapter 55 - 'Elijah Mikaelson Is Dead.'

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A/N - Above is an image of Lavigne Place, Wolfgang's Mansion in New Orleans.

Vincent Griffith entered Lafayette Cemetery hesitantly. The reports and pleas for help Vincent had received from the witches who were in the cemetery had made him believe that the Hollow had struck again.

All of them had cried out, one witch had even phoned him and simply screamed, 'Lafayette Cemetery ..... Demon.' down the phone before the call cut off.

Vincent looked around the ruined graveyard at the sheer carnage, at the bodies mutilated and ripped apart. Blood was soaking the ground as destroyed headstones were scattered everywhere.

"I knew this would get your attention." Wolfgang called out in greeting. Vincent looked up at the crypt, where Wolfgang sat cross-legged upon a fallen statue of the Archangel Michael, "If it's any comfort, they died fighting."

"This was you?" Vincent questioned and Wolfgang smiled before jumping down from his elevated position. The hunter's smile disappeared and Wolfgang turned serious and looked Vincent in the eye as he buttoned his suit jacket.

"Elijah Mikaelson is dead. I want to know why. I also want to know why the link to the ancestors is restored and why I can feel Inadu's psychic presence." Wolfgang demanded and Vincent looked at him in shock.

"You know about the Hollow?" Vincent asked and Wolfgang nodded as he looked down at the dead bodies in the cemetery apathetically.

"So, Vincent, tell me what the bloody fuck happened while I was away."


"I never told you but over countless years, you have meant so much to me. You have been a redeemer, a confidant, a mentor, a rival and a friend." Klaus said to Elijah's body, "And at times, yes, you've been a royal pain in the ass. Now look at you. I'm so sorry. My brother. This will not be your end. I will not rest until I bring you back. No matter how many I have to kill to ensure it."

"Give me a list of names. I'll get started." Wolfgang said as he walked into the room, "I'll kill the Hollow myself to begin with."

"Perhaps you should have stayed where you were." Klaus mused and Rebekah scoffed as she and Kol entered the room.

"We never should have left. Elijah might still be alive."

"Or you'd be lying beside him." Klaus countered and Kol sighed, crossing his arms, "All right! Chitchat's over. Can we slaughter someone now?"

"Well, first things first. We need to destroy the weapons that give our enemy their advantage." Klaus explained, pacing the room, "Now, one scratch from the rosebush is lethal to us. Freya has tracked down the eight that remain, including the main plant. Here, in the Ninth Ward."

"Fine, so we burn them all and then we murder that wretched bitch." Rebekah said and Wolfgang nodded in agreement.

"Lethal thorns, resurrected witches..." Kol said to himself, "What could possibly go wrong?"


"Suivre kre nan. Suivre kre nan. Suivre kre nan. Suivre kre nan." The Hollow's disciplines chanted as Rebekah, Wolfgang, Kol and Klaus entered.

"Can I interest anyone in a swift and painless death?" Rebekah questioned and Kol whined, "Oh, come now, Beks. Do we have to be so swift?"

"Sadly." Klaus answered, "Lucky for you lot, we're in a rush."

"That doesn't mean it has to be painless." Wolfgang said and gave his best serial killer smile before the Mikaelsons launched at the witches.

"Like stealing candy from babies." Rebekah commented after they were done.

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