Chapter 26 - 'All My Children In One Place.'

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Cami found it weird when Wolfgang summoned her to his house. She found it more weird that his hands were soaked in blood when he opened the door and descended straight down a staircase into a basement, the human following reluctantly.

Cami gasped at the sight before her. A man hung from a medieval torture device, bleeding from several cuts held open by iron hooks.

"What the hell?" She questioned but Wolfgang ignored her as he dug his fingers into a wound on the man's chest and wiggled them around, causing him to scream out in pain.

"Where is Sophie?" Wolfgang questioned but the man remained silent before he spat out some blood.

"Fuck if I know."

Wolfgang shook his head and grabbed some pliers. He trailed it along the prisoner's chest before he grasped his hand and used the pliers to rip his fingernail out.

"Answer me." Wolfgang snarled. The man remained silent so the hunter snapped his neck. Cami grit her teeth before Wolfgang's phone rang.

"Would you be a dear?" Wolfgang asked as he held up his bloody hands. Cami answered the phone and held it to Wolfgang's ear as the vampire washed his hands

"Hello?" Wolfgang asked and the person on the other end remained silent. Wolfgang sent Cami a questioning look, who mouthed 'Charlotte' to him.

"Hello, Charlie. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Wolfgang asked. The vampire on the other end laughed and sighed.

"Just wanted to check up on you. I am your best friend after all."

"Klaus is my best friend. You are my little sister." Wolfgang replied as he took the phone and left the room, Cami trailing behind.

"That's flattering, Wolf. I'm heading into town. Should be there sometime today." Charlotte said and Wolfgang smiled.

"I look forward to it." Wolfgang replied before hanging up. Cami looked at him and crossed her arms.

"Mind telling me what this is all about?" Cami asked and Wolfgang sat down.

"I'm torturing him for information." Wolfgang explained and Cami shook her head, "That's not what I meant."

"Did Klaus ever mention a woman called Katherine or Katerina?"

"In passing." Cami replied and Wolfgang nodded, closing his eyes for a moment.

"Katerina was the only woman I have ever truly loved." Wolfgang said, "I made a barter with Klaus for her freedom. In exchange, he wanted the death of a vampire from my sireline named Sophie Matiz."

"You're telling me this why?"

"Well, we were going to talk about my suicidal tendancies but I now have more pressing matters and you have an appointment with Mr Griffith." Wolfgang continued. He stood to his feet as Cami looked at him confused.

"How do you know about that?" Cami asked and Wolfgang smiled before opening the door for Cami.

"Goodbye, Miss O'Connell."


Klaus, Elijah and Wolfgang walked straight into Lucien's apartment. Klaus and Wolfgang shared a dark look.

"It looks like Mr Castle isn't in." Wolfgang sighed. His attention was quickly drawn by the psychic, Alexis, who walked out of the bedroom and into the room to join them.

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