Chapter 66 - 'I'm Not In The Habit Of Deflowering Virgins.'

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Wolfgang sat at the table as breakfast was served. As the Mikaelsons were horrifying at cooking, the hunter himself had prepared the meal.

"The curse that plagued our family for seven years has taken its toll on all of us. On our city. On our home. On our family. The consequences of us being together were grave, but today, thanks to you, we celebrate a new beginning." Klaus toasted, lifting his glass of crimson liquid, "One in which we have the freedom to stand side by side. And whatever trials may come, we will face them together, as a family. Always and forever."

Freya, Hope and Wolfgang all toasted back. The two non-vampires toasted with their orange juices and Wolfgang clinked his glass of blood against theirs.

"Would you please pass the beignets?" Hope asked, pointing to the plate of baked goods. Freya nodded and handed her the platter, "Of course."

Wolfgang picked a beignet off the plate and took the tray from the youngest Mikaelson, smiling at the blue-eyed girl as she bit into a beignet.

"You know, it's my first time making them." Wolfgang said, watching Hope's reaction intently, "I made them just for you." The Nachtstern added with a wink. Hope smiled and blushed slightly.

"Mmm." Hope moaned as she took another bite, an explosion of butter and sugar flooding her mouth as her eyes closed with satisfaction. The tribrid nodded and faced Wolfgang, "They're really good."

Klaus cleared his throat with a pointed look at his friend, the hybrid's disapproval of Wolfgang's relationship with Hope obvious. The two stared at each other, having their own alpha showdown that Hope thankfully didn't pick up on.

"So, Rebekah will be back in a few days." Klaus said, changing the topic and looking away from Wolfgang, "She's just tying up some loose ends overseas."

Hope nodded and smiled at the thought of her aunt returning to New Orleans, "It'll be nice to have her here."

"It'll be good to have all of us under one roof again." Freya added. Wolfgang was about to reply but stopped when Elijah entered the dining room, back in a suit.

Hope's grip on her fork tightened and Wolfgang enclosed her other hand with his, calming her. The hunter's own jaw clenched, trying his hardest to not attack Elijah in front of Hope.

"Good morning. Obviously, there is a lot for us to discuss." Elijah said, coming to stand at the foot of the table. Foolishly, the Original turned to face his niece, who was uncomfortable with Elijah's presence, "Hope, let me begin by telling you how truly sorry..."

"Thanks for breakfast, guys, but I have homework to catch up on." Hope interrupted, tearing her hand from Wolfgang's and walking off. The hunter was hurt momentarily before his eyes landed on Hope's fork, which she had bent and twisted with her magic.

"That's not normal." Klaus pointed out as he held the tarnished utensil. Wolfgang nodded, his eyes becoming cold once more, "She's not normal."

"She lost her mother, Niklaus." Elijah answered. The Mikaelson shook his head before letting out a sigh, "I shouldn't have come down here."

"At least you can claim amnesia, unlike our sister, who willingly aided a child in ruining her life."

"Hope is not a child." Freya defended. Wolfgang's grip on his knife tightened, his knuckles turning white before he stabbed the utensil into the table.

"Did you even consider what absorbing all that magic could do to her?" Wolfgang asked, his voice laced with venom as it rose several octaves.

"And what choice did I have?" Freya countered. Wolfgang shook his head, rising to his feet and roughly slamming his chair back towards the table. He was angry, and none of the Mikaelsons could understand why he was so bothered.

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