Chapter 68 - 'Hope Andrea Mikaelson.'

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Wolfgang sighed as he figited with the sleeve of his shirt, his mind unfocused and his emotions a mess as the hunter attempted to regain his composure.

Wolfgang's hazel orbs were locked onto Hope. The way she held herself, the sadness in her gait, the pain in Hope's eyes. The spider's web of black veins slowly claiming her body.

Seeing the Mikaelson like that, seeing Hope so overwhelmed with suffering and agony that she shouldn't have to bear, filled Wolfgang with a sense of powerlessness that he wasn't used to feeling.

"Geliebte." Wolfgang called as he approached Hope. The tribrid turned around and gave the Nachtstern a small smile. The act alone was enough to make Wolfgang's heart skip a beat. The corners of her mouth turned up slightly, rising on her face as her full lips parted, showing the slightest hint of her pearly white teeth.

"Wolf." Hope returned, her mesmerising eyes fixed on him, "What are you doing here?"

Hope gestured around the cemetery and Wolfgang shrugged. The tribrid was in a dress, modest in design, not really showing anything but to Wolfgang, she was a goddess.

"The usual." Wolfgang replied with a smile, pointing at a tombstone marked December, 1717, "Just spending time with people my own age."

"Cool." Hope replied before turning back to the memorial table. The hunter narrowed his eyes at the memorial, dedicated to someone he didn't recognise.

Judging from the guilty expression on Hope's face, and the sadness that seemed to radiate from her, Wolfgang supposed that it was a memorial to her first kill, Bill.

"It'll be okay, Hope." Wolfgang assured her and the Mikaelson shook her head, turning around to face him.

"Will it?" She questioned, her tone accusatory, "Because the lines and the whispers are back, which means that I killed all those vampires for no reason and now, I've triggered my curse..."

"Don't you dare." Wolfgang interrupted, shaking his head as he stepped closer to Hope, "Don't you dare think like that. Everything's going to be fine."

"You know, you're the only person who can say that and actually make me believe it." Hope sighed, stepping closer to Wolfgang. The Nachtstern smiled and shook his head.

"You need to get ready, there's a wedding we have to attend." Wolfgang said and Hope shook her head, "I don't think I should go to the wedding."

"No." Wolfgang argued, shaking his head, "If I'm being forced to go to that wedding, so are you."

"I'll just ruin it." Hope countered. Wolfgang sighed and shook his head, "I will ruin it, you will make the whole thing perfect."

"Fine." Hope said, finally relenting. Wolfgang smiled and wrapped an arm around the tribrid, "I'll be your date then. See you around six."


"There she is, our lovely bride." Wolfgang greeted as he walked into Freya's room. The witch looked up at him and smiled.

"Wolfgang, hey." Freya greeted and the vampire sat besides her, unbuttoning his suit jacket as he did so.

"You called for me?" Wolfgang questioned and Freya nodded. The hunter had an indication of what she wanted but also wished for Freya to say it herself.

"So, everyone has their roles in the wedding." Freya began, her nervousness eating her up as she spoke, "Kol is officiating, Niklaus is doing nefarious things to secure the venue and I'm going to ask Elijah to walk me down the aisle. And I was..." Freya paused, nearly on the verge of tears as she met Wolfgang's eyes, "I was wondering if you'd be my best man."

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