Chapter 16 - 'Bourbon And Betrayal.'

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The auburn-haired youth was sat besides Elijah, deep in conversation with the Original when Wolfgang walked up, grabbing her hand and pulling her away.

"Come on, we're dancing." Wolfgang commanded, dragging her with him. She let out a laugh and smiled at the vampire as he settled into the dance.

"Why are you doing this, Wolf?" She questioned and Wolfgang smiled. He placed his hands on her waist as she wrapped hers around his shoulders, both of them swaying to the music.

"You're first full moon is tonight. It'll be painful, so this is a slice of peace before then." Wolfgang explained and the auburn-haired beauty smiled with a nod. Wolfgang stared deep into her ocean blue eyes and were pulled in by the entrancing colour.

The vampire acted on instinct and moved closer, the woman moving as well. His lips hovered over hers as they continued to dance until he sucked in a deep breath and took the plunge.

Sparks shot across Wolfgang's body as his lips met hers, moving against them to the rhythm of the music as they shared their first kiss.

Wolfgang shot awake and let out a deep sigh. The recurring dreams were troubling him deeply and Wolfgang figured it had something to do with this girl.

He got out of bed hesitantly and opened a sketchpad on his desk, picking up a pencil as he drew the auburn-haired woman that haunted him.


Wolfgang waltzed into the compound, slightly frustrated as he crossed his arms. He didn't like being summoned so Wolfgang took in a breath before he began shouting.

"Klaus, some of us have jobs and can't focus on killing your family members while compelling themselves everything so get out here and make it quick!" Wolfgang screamed. Klaus appeared at the balcony and beckoned Wolfgang to his side.

"Come, Wolfgang. I need your help and you know that I value your counsel." Klaus stated and Wolfgang followed him to a room where Elijah and Freya stood, the two standing just outside.

"What's this about?" Wolfgang questioned and Klaus sighed before he gestured at the room.

"I need your help as our resident expert on magic and my evil aunt." Klaus explained and Wolfgang nodded before stepping into the room. Wolfgang narrowed his eyes at the witch, uncomfortable in her presence. This woman was powerful and dangerous, that much Wolfgang could tell. He was also scared that she would reveal his liaison with Dahlia to the Mikaelsons.

"Apparently, this woman, Freya, claims to be my sister, and, to add to it, Elijah seems to believe her." Klaus explained. Wolfgang nodded and Freya tilted her head as she studied him.

"Who are you?" The witch asked, a frown on her face as Wolfgang smirked, walking closer, "Wolfgang Sebastian Nachtstern."

"The Night Star?" Freya questioned. Wolfgang tensed, hoping that she wouldn't put two and two together, fortunately the witch didn't seem to.

"Yes, I am. It's been a while since someone has actually called me that." Wolfgang replied. Freya nodded before she narrowed her eyes at him. Wolfgang dropped to the ground as his head erupted in pain. Klaus swore and rushed forwards, snapping her neck.

Mystic Falls, 2010 -

Klaus, still possessing the dull history teacher, led the doppelganger and the Bennett Witch through the hallway where Wolfgang stood. The vampire turned at the sight and smiled.

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