Chapter 17 - 'I'll Just Kill Everyone, Simple.'

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Wolfgang found it mildly irritating when Klaus decided to barge into his house when he was in the middle of a meeting for two reasons. One, Wolfgang was in the middle of a meeting and two, Dahlia liked to come and go as she pleased.

"Wolfgang, I need your help." Klaus demanded and Wolfgang held out a hand to stop him as he finished talking to Penny, his secretary.

"Now then, love, is that all?" Wolfgang asked and Penny replied in the affirmative. Wolfgang smiled and hung up before turning to Klaus.


"I need your help with Rebekah." Klaus explained and Wolfgang nodded as he motioned for the hybrid to continue.

"The woman she's possessing seems to have taken control once more. It's more than likely that she'll kill Rebekah." Klaus continued and Wolfgang nodded, picking up an envelope from amongst his mail, observing the care it was produced with.

"Fine, I'll help." The vampire said as he opened the envelope and withdrew a card from it. He looked down at the invitation and read it twice.

Alaric Saltzman and Josette Laughlin cordially invite you to attend their wedding.

Wolfgang frowned as he held the card up to Klaus. He had no idea why Alaric Saltzman would invite him to his wedding. Until it clicked. Josette was the one inviting him, not Alaric.

"Mystic Falls? You're going to need a date." Klaus said warily. Wolfgang shook his head at him and put the invitation down.

"I'm not taking you, you have bigger things to attend to. Besides, you just want to shack up with that blonde again." Wolfgang replied and Klaus held up his hands before walking away, Wolfgang following.


Wolfgang had decided that first he and Elijah ought to visit Josephine LaRue a visit in order to gain the aid of the witches. That was how he, Hayley, Gia and Elijah ended up waiting for Madame LaRue to join them in the room.

The Witch Regent waltzed into the room and paused at the group of vampires. She frowned and waved her arms.

"You sought an audience with me?" Josephine asked and Elijah nodded, stepping forwards. Josephine narrowed her eyes.

"I wish for your help in taking down Eva Sinclair." Elijah explained. Josephine shook her head and sat down.

"I'm afraid I cannot. Eva is too unstable, too unhinged. The covens won't allow me." Josephine replied. Wolfgang sighed before he sped over to one of Josephine's witches and held her up by the throat.

"How's this for unhinged? You refuse and I start murdering. I'll just kill everyone, simple." Wolfgang said as he tightened his grip on the witch, causing her to gasp out.

"Wolfgang," Elijah warned and Wolfgang turned to him. Wolfgang shot him a glare but Elijah persisted.

"This is working, your way isn't." Wolfgang answered and Elijah sighed, "You can't just kill everyone when you don't get your way."

"I can and I will."

"Mr Nachtstern has made your stance exceptionally clear. I can grant you a day, nothing more." Josephine replied. Wolfgang nodded and gave Elijah a look that said 'I told you so' before turning to walk away.

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