Chapter 28 - 'The Three Of Us, Who Would Win?'

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Warning - This chapter contains mature scenes and some graphic violence. If a mature scene isn't really your thing then skip the scene that begins with the {-} symbol.

Klaus handed Wolfgang the glass of blood and Wolfgang took a sip. He revelled in the taste of the vampire blood and focused on the exquisite flavour.

"Doppelganger blood?" Wolfgang questioned and Klaus nodded, "I took it from Katerina."

"I forgot how heavenly she tasted, even after she turned." Wolfgang said and Klaus smiled at him. He left the room when they heard a thud and saw a body on the floor of the courtyard, laying in a bed of lavenders.

"Roses are red, lavenders are blue. Come find me before I find you." Klaus read as Elijah joined them. Wolfgang sighed and looked at the brothers.

"I remember Aurora being better at poetry." Wolfgang mused and Klaus looked at him questioningly, "You knew her?"

"Intimately." Wolfgang replied, "Another psychotic ex that we share."

"I'll deal with this." Klaus said and turned to leave. Elijah grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"Niklaus, I must warn you."

"It can wait, I have to find Aurora." Klaus replied but Elijah shook his head, "When mother opened my red door, I saw Aurora behind it."

"It can wait. Whatever secret you're holding onto means nothing compared to what that whore did." Klaus said before he stormed off. Elijah turned to Wolfgang and croseed his arms.

"I don't suppose that you will help me reconcile this?"

"Sorry, Elijah. I have something to do."


Wolfgang and Adrian walked into the office, several of Wolfgang's newly acquired bodyguards behind him. The man sat behind the desk regarded them coldly.

"Mr Nachtstern." He greeted in a deep voice, his accent thick and the English, or rather, German, broken. Wolfgang smiled coldly and sat down.

"It's Dr Nachtstern, actually." Wolfgang replied. The man frowned and Wolfgang sat opposite him.

"Adisa, I wish to take something from your collection. I will be more than happy to compensate you." Wolfgang offered. The dark-skinned man shook his head and motioned to his bodyguard at the door, who withdrew a machete.

"I will not negotiate with filth like you." The African vampire snarled. Before anyone could register anything, Adrian had killed the guard and taken his sword.

"Find me the blade. Kill anyone that gets in your way." Wolfgang commanded and his two lackeys walked away, leaving him, Adisa and Adrian alone in the office.

"Adisa, Adisa, Adisa. What am I going to do with you?" Wolfgang mused, pacing around the office. The younger vampire sat immobilised in his chair, in shock at the recent turn of events.

"You stole from me. When I was willing to pay for the sword's retrieval, you refused and then intended to harm me and my associates."

Adrian smiled. He knew what he would do, and he had learnt directly from Wolfgang himself.

"You are Nigerian, are you not?" Wolfgang asked, changing the topic. Adisa nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

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