Chapter 19 - 'I Made A Promise, This Is Me Upholding It.'

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Dahlia chanted over the vampire with her eyes closed as Wolfgang walked into the room with a plate of food. He set it down on the coffee table and walked over to the witch.

"You're still human. Eat." Wolfgang commanded and Dahlia ceased her spell. The witch walked over to the food and sat down, tucking in. Wolfgang observed the bleeding vampire and frowned.

"This better be important because you're staining a one hundred and eighty-four year old carpet." Wolfgang sighed and Dahlia laughed.

"Everything I do, Sebastian, is important." Dahlia returned. At this point, Wolfgang had given up on correcting his name and simply allowed her to continue using his middle name.

"Well, it might please you to know that Mikael is dead." Wolfgang said. Dahlia looked up and smiled at him, although it did not reach her eyes.

"Is he now? How do you know this?" Dahlia questioned. Wolfgang smirked as he sat opposite her, pouring himself a whiskey from the liquor cabinet on the side.

"The ability to compel even the supernatural is a powerful one. It means I have spies everywhere. One of them confirmed that Mikael ended up with the white oak stake in his chest yesterday."

"That's one less pawn. Now, all I have to do is get rid of my sister's pesky children." Dahlia replied. Wolfgang nodded before he cleared his throat.

"Actually, I have an idea." Wolfgang started, "I used it in New York to great effect. Why don't we turn them against one another?"

Dahlia contemplated his idea for a moment before she shook her head, "There is nothing that they won't do for each other. We cannot tear them apart."

"We can." Wolfgang countered, taking a sip of his drink, "Say we planted doubt in their mind about an already unstable member of their family, then what do you think they would do?"

"They would remove the threat."

"And if that threat were Klaus? If we can back him into a corner, he'll lash out. Elijah will see him as a concern and will be forced to neutralise him." Wolfgang explained. Dahlia thought over his words before she stood to her feet.

"And how would he neutralise Niklaus?" Dahlia asked. Wolfgang smiled and placed his empty glass on the table.

"With a golden white-oak ash dagger created by your nephew, Kol." Wolfgang replied, "Once Klaus is neutralised, he will be enraged beyond compare and in that moment of sheer anger, we reach out to him and make him an offer."

Dajlia laughed at that as she returned to her ritual, "And why would I work with him, Sebastian?"

"Hope." Wolfgang answered, "Hope is not only a witch, but also a werewolf and a vampire too. This means she possesses devastating magic but it's magnified by her werewolf inclination towards anger and tainted by her vampire blood."

"So? I can control her magic, teach her, guide her." Dahlia countered and Wolfgang shook his head. He walked over to Dahlia and crouched down besides her.

"Her magic, yes. What of her werewolf nature? Neither you nor I can help her with that but Klaus can teach her to control it." Wolfgang said. Dahlia mulled over his words and nodded.

"Yes, but I do not see why I cannot simply bind these parts of her. Solve the problem entirely." Dahlia mused. Wolfgang breathed in as he tried to think of another reason to get Klaus on their side without exposing his true intentions.

"If she has access to all her abilities, she becomes a true tribrid and the most powerful being on the planet. Yet, if you control her and draw from her power, that makes you the most powerful person alive." Wolfgang explained. Dahlia nodded and returned to her spell.

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