Chapter 32 - 'You Can't Expect Me To Do This.'

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The workers watched as the crate was fished out of the Mississippi River. When they set it down, one of them decided to question the task they were carrying out.

"Who's this for anyways?" One of the workers questioned. His fellow worker shrugged and looked down at his clipboard.

"A guy called Nachtstern." the manager replied. The first worker thought for a moment before he spoke up.

"We should ask for more. He seems to have the money." The worker said. His manager seemed to think it over but was interrupted.

"Is that so?" Wolfgang asked as he entered the docks. He was wearing an all-black suit, a shin length overcoat and carrying an umbrella.

"Oh, Mr Nachtstern. Um.... We just finished up." The manager lied. Wolfgang shook his head and let out a dark chuckle.

"So you decided to attempt to extort me with your free time?" Wolfgang asked. The manager tried to defend his actions and make excuses but Wolfgang decapitated him.

One of the workers tried to run but Wolfgang ripped his heart out. The remaining worker stood there in shock as Wolfgang approached him.

"Stand still. Do exactly as I say." Wolfgang compelled. The vampire walked to the crate and ripped off the lid.

Inside lay a beautiful woman, her clothes and blonde hair soaked with a stake through her chest. Wolfgang smiled as he ripped it out and Rebekah gasped as she was resuscitated.

Rebekah lifted herself out of the crate and smiled at her friend weakly. She ran a hand through her hair to neaten it and move it out of her face.

"Tell me I didn't miss Christmas." Rebekah spoke and Wolfgang smiled before he replied with Rebekah's standard response.

"Not a chance in hell." Wolfgang replied and pulled Rebekah into a hug, not caring that her drenched body was soaking his expensive shirt, "I brought you a Christmas present."

Rebekah took in the terrified worker that Wolfgang pointed at and smiled as her vampire face emerged.

She opened her mouth to reveal her fangs as her veins darkened before she launched at the treacherous worker....


Wolfgang paced up and down as he sighed deeply. His sirelings, excluding Nathaniel, were all gathered in Rousseau's. Natalya sighed as she became increasingly impatient.

"Can you just get on with it?" The brunette asked. Wolfgang stopped pacing and faced the group.

"I trust each person in this room with my life. I also don't want to burden you." Wolfgang began, "You have your own lives, so I'm letting you return to them."

"Really?" Charlotte asked and Wolfgang nodded, "Spend Christmas with David, Charlie." Wolfgang urged and the blonde smiled.

Needing no further invitation, Natalya got up and left. Wolfgang didn't fault her, Natalya was a free spirit and being cooped up in one place for too long got to her.

"Merry Christmas." Adrian said as he got his feet. The dark haired man pulled his sire into a hug,"I forgive you, Wolfgang, for what you did in Los Angeles."

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