Chapter 41 - 'Let's Find Out.'

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"You're hovering." Freya said as Klaus stared over her shoulder at the locator spell.

"I'm supervising." Klaus defended, "How else to speed up your endeavours? Let's see. Perhaps I should bring Vincent here? Force him to aid you by removing his legs?"

"Vincent doesn't know how to kill Lucien, either. Besides, if he leaves St. James, who knows what the Ancestors will make him do next?" Freya answered and Klaus sighed before Elijah spoke up.

"The Ancestors are thoroughly occupied, according to Davina, with terrorising our brother Kol."

"What a surprise! Another day, another witch-inspired vendetta." Klaus said sarcastically and Wolfgang rolled his eyes.

"Well, Davina can take care of Kol for now. Let us focus our energy on Lucien. How do we murder the bastard?" Wolfgang questioned. Freya sighed and set her tools down.

"I'm working on it." Freya replied. Klaus huffed and paced around the room with his arms crossed.

"Yes, while we all have our roles to play. Elijah and Wolfgang can stay here and oversee whatever Freya is doing. I'm going to actually accomplish something."

"Brother, accomplishing something -" Elijah began but was cut off by Klaus. The hybrid had become reckless with the uncertainty of Lucien's abilities.

"The time for talking is done!" Klaus exclaimed before he walked away. Elijah and Wolfgang shared concerned looks as they watched him leave.


Cami rushed into the compound and Wolfgang immediately appeared behind her. The blonde was in a panic and Wolfgang only added to it by speaking when she didn't know he was there.

"Can I help you, Camille?" Wolfgang asked and Cami jumped. She turned around and put a hand over her heart.

"Jesus!" Cami said and Wolfgang smirked. He stepped forwards with a playful smile.

"Not quite. Although, there was a nun in the 18th century who would differ..."

"I don't wanna hear that. I came here about Lucien. He gave Klaus a beat down with Papa Tunde's blade and then he took him." Cami explained and Wolfgang nodded. The vampire grabbed his jacket and pulled it on before neatening his appearance.

"Could you relay that information to Elijah and Freya?" Wolfgang asked as he turned to leave. Cami looked at him in shock before she spoke.

"What are you going to do?"

Wolfgang glanced at her over his shoulder and gave Cami a small smile, one that spoke of violence and cruelty before he turned to leave.

"I'm going to find out the answers for a few questions I have."


Wolfgang walked through the streets of New Orleans, aware of Lucien following him. The hunter turned into a side alley and waited for the Enhanced Original to join him.

"Funny, this is the place where I took out Klaus." Lucien said with a smirk, "I think that Aurora will be happy with the both of you to torture, don't you?"

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