Chapter 67 - 'Pain Is Just Another Enemy to Overcome.'

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The Nachtstern's chest erupted in pain as several deep gashes opened up across his abdomen. Wolfgang's breathing became heavy and laboured as the pain continued.

"Come on." The hunter taunted, "You want to hurt me, then do it!"

Hope renewed her efforts, inflicting pain spell after pain spell on the Nachtstern as he bore it all. Wolfgang sat down with a sigh as Hope paused.

"You can't, can you?" Wolfgang questioned, watching the tribrid with curiosity as she sat down opposite him.

"I tried hurting my dad. It didn't work. So, I thought I'd hurt you, because you'd take it without complaint." Hope said, getting all of this off her chest, "And I told myself you deserve it, because you missed my mom's funeral."

"But you don't hate me." Wolfgang continued, "You don't want to hurt me."

"I would never hurt you." Hope replied, her voice soft and holding a tenderness Wolfgang had never heard. The two fell into silence for a moment as they stared into each others eyes.

'Hope makes me happy.' Wolfgang remembered saying. The vampire nodded and blinked, ending the moment between him and Hope.

"But you know who you want to hurt." Wolfgang pointed out, "Give me a name."

Hope took in a deep breath, battling with herself on whether or not to give in and incite such violence. Finally, the tribrid let out a deep breath and locked eyes with Wolfgang.

"I want to kill Roman Sienna."


"I know my sister told you guys to watch me, but this is getting kind of creepy, don't you think?" Roman asked his guards. The vampires remained unresponsive and the Sienna sighed, "So, what? Hmm? What, am I supposed to spend all eternity holed up in this stupid room? Will you guys just say something?"

One guard opened his mouth to speak but ended up spitting blood all over the Sienna before falling to the floor. Roman looked on in horror as Wolfgang stood behind the corpse, the dead man's heart in his hand.

The other guard moved to fight the hunter but Wolfgang stabbed a dagger into his head with force, pinning the body to the wall.

The Sienna let out a gasp of surprise before he looked up at the Nachtstern vampire, his eyes holding a steely resolve.

"Get it over with." Roman muttered, completely content with the idea of his death. Wolfgang smirked as he hauled the vampire to his feet.

"Oh, I'm reserving that honour for someone I care about very much." Wolfgang clarified. Roman opened his mouth to question further but the hunter cut him off by snapping Roman's neck.


Wolfgang tied Roman down to the chair with vervain soaked ropes. He tightened them so that they would dig into his skin and burn.

"Have you decided how you're going to kill him?" Klaus asked Hope. The tribrid nodded as she eyed her captive warily.

"Slowly." Hope replied and both Klaus and Wolfgang nodded. Roman gasped as he woke up from his temporary death, looking around the dungeon with wide eyes.

"Hope?" Roman questioned as his gaze fell upon the Mikaelson. Hope looked at him with nothing less than anger and contempt boiling in her blue eyes, "Hope! Hey."

"I don't want you here for this." Hope said, glancing over at her father. Klaus tilted his head slightly as he met his daughter's gaze and Roman looked at the two, still in shock, "What?"

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