Chapter 24 - 'I Am The Karaoke King, Okay?'

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A/N - Above is an image of Lavinge Place, Wolfgang's Mansion in New Orleans.

"Get up, Wolfgang."

Wolfgang rubbed his eyes as he woke up and was met with the sight of a naked man in his bed. The vampire sighed and glanced up at Klaus.

"Could you come back later? I'm sort of naked right now." Wolfgang asked and Klaus shook his head, "This is urgent."

"Fine, give me five minutes." Wolfgang replied, squinting his eyes at the light. The vampire felt like crap, which was understandable seeing as though he had had a wild night.

Five minutes later, Wolfgang walked out of his bedroom wearing jeans and an unbuttoned shirt. Klaus sat on his couch, drinking whiskey when Wolfgang sat down and grabbed the bottle, taking a deep swig.

"Should you even be drinking?"

"Why wouldn't I be, it's five somewhere?" Wolfgang answered. Klaus smiled and placed his phone on the table, a video loaded up and ready to play.

"Freya sent me that yesterday. It's a video of you singing Let It Go very, very badly." Klaus explained. Wolfgang cocked an eyebrow and massaged his temples.

"My singing is not bad. I am the karaoke king, okay?" Wolfgang defended before he let out a sigh, "And send me that video."

"I need to know what you took yesterday." Klaus asked, concerned about his friend's welfare. Their recent actions had cost him his family so Klaus was trying to hold on to what he had left.

"There was some weed." Wolfgang said and Klaus gave him a look to say that he didn't believe that was all, "I did some cocaine. There was the poppy thingy at one point."

"Poppy thingy? You mean heroin." Klaus asked and Wolfgang nodded, glancing down at his phone where Penny had sent him a long message berating him, "And around twelve sheets of acid apparently."

"That's horrifying." Klaus said, "Anyways, to business. I need one of the paintings I did for you."

"That's what's so urgent? A painting?"
Wolfgang asked. Klaus nodded and sighed, "Just grab me one of them."

Wolfgang sighed and got up. He walked over to the fireplace and grabbed the portrait of the devil hanging over the mantlepiece. He handed it to Klaus who observed it carefully.

"Why do you want it anyways?" Wolfgang asked and Klaus smiled as he thought about the answer.

"I'm holding an exhibition."


Wolfgang was roaming the streets of New Orleans when he felt a set of eyes on him. The vampire sighed and headed into Rousseau's, knowing that his stalker would follow.

"What brings you to town?" Wolfgang asked as a blond haired man sat down next to him. The younger vampire, who had previously been following Wolfgang, smiled and let out a laugh.

"Just checking up on my sire." The blond replied and Wolfgang shook his head as he turned to his sireling, seeing right through his excuse.

"That's a lie, Nathaniel." Wolfgang replied, "So I'm going to ask you again, what are you doing in New Orleans?"

"We have a problem." Nathaniel answered and Wolfgang shook his head at him, "No, you have a problem. I have an idiot sireling who keeps on getting into them."

"The sirelines are at war." Nathaniel said, clearly desperate. Wolfgang shrugged and rolled his eyes.

"And this affects me how?"

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