Chapter 61 - 'We Can't Save Her If They Don't Fear Us.'

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A/N - I skipped out episode 3 because it was Elijah centric and I felt that Wolfgang wouldn't have much of a role in it.

"So, what exactly are you implying?" Vincent asked, his tone impatient as Klaus spoke, "Hope hid her mother with a cloaking spell. Someone found her. That requires a witch."

"So that means it was one of mine?" Vincent questioned, shaking his head, "I don't think so."

"You witches always plead virtue, but if history's to be prologue, you're the most rotten of the bunch." Wolfgang countered, "I should know, I was one."

"As soon as Freya told me that Hayley had gone missing, there were a dozen of us witches out there on them streets performing locator spells, trying to find her." Vincent defended, gesturing with his hands to emphasise his point, "Because Hayley is actually a friend to us, okay? Hayley, unlike you, has earned our respect. And out of respect to her, I'm only gonna say this to you one time, Klaus: we had absolutely nothing to do with her disappearance. I promise you that."

Klaus shook his head, "A witch's promise is as slippery as snake oil and as effective. You want peace and prosperity? Prove your innocence and find her."


"Do you really think my guys would be that stupid? They know that if they even laid a finger on Hayley, they'd be answering to me." Marcel said and Wolfgang shrugged.

"Well, was it you who ordered the vampires to antagonize the wolves and string up that hybrid boy?" Wolfgang questioned, crossing his arms with an imperious smirk, "No. I didn't think so. Perhaps your royal status has wilted along with your marital prospects."

"All right, all right. Easy. The vampires like Hayley, everyone does. We didn't touch her." Josh added and Wolfgang turned to him, causing the young vampire to shrink beneath his gaze.

"Well, I suggest you multiply your efforts to retrieve her, then." Wolfgang warned, "Because if Hope is not reunited with her mother by sundown..."


"Compelling NOLA's finest, I see." Marcel commented as he entered the compound. Klaus let out a laugh and gestured at the police officers gathered in the courtyard.

"If that's the city's finest, then it will wither from its own mediocrity." Klaus replied and Marcel let out a sigh, "Now, what are humans gonna do that the other factions can't?"

"They have the numbers." Wolfgang answered, his hands gripping the railing tightly, "We need eyes everywhere. Whoever did this can't hide from me."

Klaus looked over at Marcel, noticing the judgmental look on his face, "What?"

"Mm. Clear eyes, focused demeanor." Marcel observed, folding his arms, "You know, for Klaus Mikaelson, I'd say you're acting pretty normal."

"If you've got a point, Marcel, spit it out." Klaus snapped and the Enhanced Original shrugged, "There's chatter you're unhinged. I'm just making sure you're not poised to do something that we'll all regret."

"Well, if the suicidal simpletons who took Hayley return her unharmed, he won't have to do something we'll all regret, will he?" Wolfgang added and Marcel shook his head, turning to the topic he truly wanted to address.

"What happened when you went to go visit Elijah in France?"

"Nothing." Klaus replied, too fast for it to be believable, "He wasn't there."

"No? You two didn't come face-to-face?" Marcel questioned, clearly not buying Klaus' lie, "Because last I heard, Hope's picking maggots out of her cafeteria food."

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