Chapter 57 - 'I Was Born To Kill The Unkillable.'

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"We should be celebrating your return, brother." Klaus mused as Elijah entered the room and the Original shook his head, "Perhaps later."

"Hayley's still not talking to you, then. Give her time, she'll come around." Klaus assured him but Elijah sighed as Wolfgang sat down.

"Will she?"

"All right, can we please put a moratorium on all of this sulking?" Rebekah countered as she entered, "It's a lovely day, the Hollow is dead and my brother is back. Much to the joy of custom suit tailors everywhere, not to mention me."

"Speaking of custom suit tailors, should I call Alberto?" Wolfgang questioned, holding out his phone with his tailor's number loaded.

"Alberto's work isn't exactly to my tastes." Elijah replied and Wolfgang scoffed in mock offense, "How dare you! Alberto is the best tailor I've had in four hundred years."

"Anyways..." Rebekah interrupted before Wolfgang could fight Elijah for the honour of his tailor, "I have to admit, I've missed the Quarter. I'm gonna make you take me out to hear some jazz."

"Might I suggest you enjoy the charms of the city while you still can? Marcel will want us gone posthaste, as per our agreement." Klaus replied an Rebekah smiled at her brother.

"Or perhaps he's changed his mind and he will grant us a reprieve."

"He will grant us no such thing." Elijah added, "We're going to meet with him to discuss the terms of our departure."

Rebekah smiled and crossed her arms, "I suspect he simply needs to be asked nicely. You boys really should leave these matters to me."


Klaus shook his head as Vincent explained what had happened. Wolfgang stood in silence, absorbing the information.

"Impossible. Whatever those thieving acolytes are up to, they function independently of the Hollow. Hayley killed her, I saw the corpse with my own eyes."

"Her body is dead, Klaus. That's not enough." Vincent replied and Elijah narrowed his eyes, "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that by now, the Ancestors should've been able to imprison her spirit. That didn't happen. The spirit's still out there. So she must've had a plan B."

"No doubt. Perhaps they had assistance. Tell me, were you a part of it?" Klaus questioned and Vincent scoffed, stepping back.

"Oh, come on, man." Vincent replied, offended and Marcel stepped forward in his defence, "Hey, back off, all right? Look, I trust Vincent."

"Look, I don't care if..." Vincent said, rubbing his forehead, "I don't care if any of you trust me to be perfectly honest. Because unlike all of you, I have been doing something. I've been spending the past couple of days trying to figure out a way to lock the Hollow up for good."

"And do you have any answers?" Wolfgang asked and Vincent nodded, stepping closer, "Yes and no. I used the book to put myself into a trance."

"Which book are you talking about?" Wolfgang enquired and Marcel sighed, realising that the hunter had been absent for the majority of their encounters with the Hollow.

"The book he found. Contains the secrets of the Hollow's magic. Written in his handwriting." Marcel explained and Klaus sighed, "Ah. Well, you can see how no part of this fills me with a modicum of confidence."

"And while I was in that trance, I met with the spirit of Inadu's mother." Vincent continued, "From her, I was trying to get the same spell that she used 1,500 years ago to put her daughter down. Now, that's when those acolytes showed up and stopped me."

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