Chapter 22 - 'Isn't There A Saying About Stones And Glass Houses?'

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"When I woke, they were like this. Rebekah tells me Klaus has a plan to kill Dahlia. That he knew our plan would not work?" Freya asked and Elijah nodded. Wolfgang entered the clearing and they both turned to him.

"Yes. According to him, our ingredients were incorrect. Niklaus infiltrated Dahlia's mind. You didn't break her heart. We needed the blood of the witch she loved the most, and you are not that witch. That honour goes to our beloved mother."

Freya sighed in frustration, as she knew that Esther was dead, "So, we need Esther's blood? Well, that's impossible, Wolfgang killed her."

"One incarnation," Wolfgang replied. Freya looked at Wolfgang in shock, "Your mother is buried in New Orleans. Klaus wants us to revive the original body."


Elijah, Freya, and Wolfgang made it back to the compound with Klaus and Dahlia, where they had laid them on the floor of the living room.

"Nik is demented. Are we really to dig up our mother, burn her to ash, swap said ash with Kol's, and then trick Davina into using up her last chance to bring someone back from the dead? Not to mention we lose the opportunity to save Kol, if Davina doesn't turn us inside out!"

"Or, we dig a deep hole and leave both our problems at the bottom of it," Elijah mused.

"I say we choose a more permanent option - find the white oak stake, kill Klaus, Dahlia dies with him," Freya suggested and both Wolfgang and Marcel shook their heads.

"Well, yeah, and so do I, and every other vampire that Klaus has turned!" Marcel shouted. Rebekah heard a strange sound and frowned before turning back toward the bodies.

When she looked back at Klaus, she noticed that the golden dagger in his chest was beginning to melt.

"The dagger!" Rebekah exclaimed. The rest of them turned towards Klaus and saw the end of the dagger begin to slowly but surely melt, so that the handle became shorter and shorter.

"It's fucking melting," Wolfgang sighed and Elijah nodded.

"We have no choice but to finish the task that Niklaus has set," Elijah commented as he watched Klaus curiously.

The group looked grim as they considered their only option and watched as the dagger continued to melt.


Marcel, Wolfgang and Freya were searching the compound for Kol's ashes so they can swap them out before they're given to Davina.

"Elijah said Klaus kept Kol's ashes in a blue urn," Marcel said as he started searching a dresser, looking exasperated and annoyed as he did so, "What he didn't do was narrow the field. Heaven forbid one thing not be a damn secret in this family."

Freya wandered around the room as she also searched for the urn, "And yet, here you are, casting your lot with Klaus. Is that because you think his plan is going to work?"

"That is the Mikaelson paradox-- you wanna love and kill each other at the same time."

Marcel started searching the nearby bookshelf. Meanwhile, wolf had finally found a secret hole behind one of the portraits hanging on the wall, which has a blue and gold urn inside of it. Marcel starter to laugh sarcastically as the older vampire pulled it out.

"Look who got lucky," Marcel said and Wolfgang rolled his eyes.

Wolfgang looked inside and frowned, and Freya gave him a curious look. After a moment, he turned the urn upside down, revealing to her that the urn was empty.

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