Chapter 9 - 'Let's Talk About Your Offer.'

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She bit down harshly into his shoulder, using the hard flesh to muffle her moan as Wolfgang pressed soft kisses to her neck.

"Fuck." The auburn-haired beauty moaned as he thrust up into her. Wolfgang ignored her and kissed her deeply with all of the passion he could muster.

"Let go, Geliebte." Wolfgang whispered to her and the blue eyed girl complied as she unravelled on top of him.

"Wolfgang." She cried as they found release together. The vampire held her close to him as he came, craving the warmth of her body.

Wolfgang shot up as he awoke, his dream still on his mind. The vampire was in one of the guest rooms of the Mikaelson Compound and he stood to his feet unsteadily and sighed before he went to take a cold shower.

Half an hour later, Wolfgang was sat in one of the many rooms in the Mikaelson Compound, sipping away at a bottle of bourbon he found. He wasn't sure why his dream had the effect it did but it didn't seem like a dream, it felt more like a memory. Yet, Wolfgang knew for certain that it hadn't happened in real life. At least, it hadn't happened yet.

Wolfgang was broken from his musings when Klaus walked in and wordlessly took the bottle from Wolfgang and poured himself a glass.

"Any news?" Wolfgang asked, trying to get his mind off of his dream and the girl within it. Maybe he was so weirded out by the dream because it featured the same girl as the one in the vision that Esther had showed him.

"No. Elijah remains under the influence of whatever trance Esther placed him in." Klaus replied before he took a deep sip and turned to Wolfgang, "What about you, can't sleep?"

"Quite the opposite."

"You had a nightmare." Klaus stated, believing he had found the reason for his friend's misery. Wolfgang shook his head in response and Klaus frowned, "What then?"

"I had a rather intimate dream." Wolfgang replied, beating around the bush. For some reason, Wolfgang felt as though he shouldn't discuss his dream or the vision with Klaus.

"You're jilted because you had a sex dream?" Klaus asked with a smirk on his face. Wolfgang sighed, downed his drink and grabbed his jacket.

"Forget it. I need to take care of something. Don't be concerned if I don't come back."


Entering the City of the Dead was easy, all it took was a dead witch and the covens were practically swarming around him. In no time, Wolfgang had compelled them to deliver him to Esther. One of the many advantages of being able to compel all supernatural creatures.

"Hello, Esther." Wolfgang greeted as he entered the crypt. The Original Witch narrowed her eyes at him and motioned for Finn to leave, which, being the mommy's boy he was, he did without question.

"Are you here to accept my offer?" Esther asked as she continued about her business. Wolfgang shook his head and sighed.

"Let's talk about the vision I saw."

"I have nothing to say to you about it. In fact, I have no idea how it happened or what it was. I didn't see it." Esther replied. Wolfgang stepped forwards threateningly and Esther held up her hand before closing it into a fist. Wolfgang dropped to the ground, unconscious.

England, 1322 -

Antoinette was uncharacteristically happy. Wolfgang frowned at his mother as she hummed a lullaby she used to sing for Ingrid.

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