Chapter 33 - 'In Any Case, I'm Going To Need A New Therapist.'

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Wolfgang found his day beginning with Klaus storming into his room, dragging him out of bed half naked and taking him to Cami's room.

Wolfgang paused at the sight of Cami. The blonde human looked peaceful and the vampire would have assumed she was still asleep if it wasn't for the blood staining her clothes and the horrifying gash across her neck.

"This was Aurora?" Wolfgang asked quietly, his rage building up within him. Klaus nodded tensely, trying and failing to rein in his emotions.

"Who else would it be?"

"I'm going to kill her." Wolfgang said, his voice calm, although his anger was obvious. Klaus shook his head as he knelt besides Cami's corpse.

"I'm going to tear her limb from limb." Klaus stated, "To be so cruel as to steal her just after I confessed my love. It's an offense I will punish most severely."

"Just give me the order, Niklaus." Wolfgang responded, noticing the tears in his best friend's eyes, "Give me the order and I will destroy everything she holds dear."

"This must be my quest for vengeance, Wolfgang." Klaus replied, shaking his head as he held Cami's cold, dead hand, "I have to do this myself."

"Remind them then." Wolfgang urged, his emotions getting the better of him. The Trinity had forced him to dagger Rebekah and now they had taken Cami as well, "Remind them why you don't cross a Mikaelson and live to tell the tale."

"I will." Klaus replied, his rage apparent. He was stopped from continuing by Cami's grip on his hand tightening. Klaus ignored it, believing it to be a figment of his imagination.

Cami's eyes snapped open as she let out a loud gasp, sucking in as much air as she could as she breathed again.


Wolfgang paced the room as Cami tried to recollect what had happened to her. With Aurora's compulsion broken, the blonde was remembering everything.

"She compelled me." Cami said and Wolfgang rolled his eyes, "We know that, what exactly did she tell you to do?"

"She fed me her blood and then told me to.... Oh God!" Cami cried out as she remembered Aurora's exact instructions, "She told me to kill myself after Klaus confessed that he loved me."

"I'm going to kill her." Klaus growled and turned to leave but Wolfgang pushed him back into the room.

"Camille is your more pressing concern. Find her some blood and help her through the transition. Me, Elijah and Freya will deal with the rest."

"Hey, I'm right here!" Cami called out, "You can't just force me to turn."

"I can and I will." Klaus replied before nodding at Wolfgang, who blew some enchanted powder into her face, knocking her out.


When Cami came to, she was less than happy that Klaus and Wolfgang had taken it upon themselves to imprison her with only a glass of blood, in order to force her to complete her transition.

She scowled at the dark haired vampire and stalked up to the edge of the barrier, enraged.

"How dare you!" Cami screamed and Wolfgang looked like he didn't care, "I'm not going to turn. I refuse to."

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