Chapter 18 - 'I Should Have Done That A Long Time Ago. '

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"You best not be lying to me." Wolfgang said over the phone as he walked into the restaurant and spotted Klaus almost immediately. He walked over to the table and sat besides the hybrid, "If you are, I will kill everyone you love and send you little pieces of them every year on your birthday."

Wolfgang hung up as Klaus chuckled. The hunter frowned as he noticed the white oak stake on the table and Mikael sitting casually on the other side.

"Hello, Nachtstern." Mikael greeted. Wolfgang narrowed his eyes at him before he shot forwards and sunk his fangs into Mikael's neck, injecting him with his venom.

"I should have done that a long time ago."

"What did you do?" Klaus asked, shocked. Mikael placed a hand over the wound as he looked mildly impressed.

"I told you that I would kill him." Wolfgang replied and Klaus shook his head with a sigh. Wolfgang crossed his arms as Mikael grabbed a napkin and cleaned the wound, "Heal him."

"What?" Wolfgang asked, incredulous. He didn't know why Klaus would actually want him to save Mikael's life but clearly something was happening. Mikael watched the exchange, amused as the hybrid grit his teeth as he replied.

"Mikael is an uneasy ally against Dahlia. If we are to defeat her, we need him alive." Klaus explained and Wolfgang sighed. He bit into his wrist and allowed the blood to pour into a cup. Mikael took a sip and sighed as his wound healed.

"As I was saying, Mikael, it would be in our best interests to put aside our differences and do what Dahlia would never expect - Work together." Klaus reasoned. Mikael considered it for a second before he nodded.

"Fine. But as soon as this ends, I put that stake through your chest. For now, we draw a truce." Mikael replied. As if on cue, everyone in the restaurant stood up and turned to the trio.

"Do you believe I am defeated so easily?" one of the waiters asked. Klaus and Mikael looked around in confusion but Wolfgang realised what was happening.

"She's group possessing. One of her signature tricks." Wolfgang explained. The waiter laughed and raised a hand. All of the windows in the cafe shattered, glass flying everywhere. Klaus, Mikael and Wolfgang took cover as they got to their feet hesitantly.

"What do we do now?" Klaus asked as they glanced around at the sheer carnage around them.


Davina, Wolfgang and Klaus were in a secluded alley, where Davina was setting up for a spell by pouring salt onto the cement in the shape of magical sigils.

"This is it, one last favour, and if you don't give me his ashes, I swear, I will -" Davina said. Wolfgang sighed as Klaus held up his hands.

"Davina, whatever you may think of me, I am a man of my word."

Suddenly, Mikael appeared in the alley and walked toward them. Davina looked confused when she saw him and stood to her feet as she stared at him warily.

"Actually, he's a liar, a beast, and a degenerate, but in this exceptional instance, he may be of some use." Mikael spat and Klaus rolled his eyes, "Dahlia's minions remains within St. Anne's Church."

"Clearly, it's a trap." Wolfgang replied and Mikael let out an exasperated sigh, "Of course it's a trap! And how good is it that we bring surprises of our own?"

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