Chapter 36 - 'My Sexual Promiscuity Is Not What's Being Questioned Here.'

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Wolfgang paused as his informant spoke. The vampire held out a hand to stop him, "What did you just say, Mr Norman?"

"This witch, Maddison, is dead. I assume by the hand of Aurora De Martel." Harold answered. Wolfgang sighed and sat down.

"You're sure this was Aurora?" Wolfgang asked and Harold nodded. The warlock fidgited with his fingers nervously.

"I hit a cloaking spell. Despite it, I'm certain that the white oak is with Aurora De Martel." Harold answered. Wolfgang nodded before waving his hand at him, dismissing him.

The warlock ended the projection as Wolfgang buried his head in his hands. The situation had just become more complex. Wolfgang rose to his feet, his mind set on a single task. Today, he would kill Aurora De Martel.


"What do we know about this traitor in the Strix coven?" Wolfgang asked to the assembled group of Klaus, Elijah and Marcel.

"Nothing. No one knows how Aurora got to her. No one knows where Aurora is. Our coven hit the same cloaking spell as Freya and your guy." Marcel replied.

"Your coven? Making yourself quite confortable with the Strix aren't you?" Klaus questioned, sizing Marcel up.

"Yeah. Yeah. To help you." Marcel replied in his defence. Klaus still looked unconvinced and Wolfgang rolled his eyes, "Any other news from your new BFFs you'd like to make us aware of?"

"Niklaus, why don't we reserve any malevolent intentions for ex-girlfriends?" Elijah asked, intervening. Wolfgang laughed slightly and they turned to him.

"I'll tell you what, if we all work together and find Aurora, then we can torture her to death. After we secure the white oak, of course." Wolfgang suggested and Klaus nodded.

"As of now, nothing matters more than finding that wench."


Klaus paced up and down as he tried to contain his rage. Elijah sat, his chin resting on his steepled hands. Wolfgang sat behind the desk, twirling a knife in his hand.

"Aurora has Freya. She has the white oak. It's clearly a trap." Elijah said. Klaus murmured in agreement and Wolfgang tapped the knife against the desk.

"It's a trap but she's not banking on it." Wolfgang said. The brothers turned to him curiously before Wolfgang threw the knife in the air and caught it by the blade.

"Aurora expects us to go alone, and even if we go together, she thinks me and Klaus will hold back." Wolfgang explained. Klaus nodded before Wolfgang brought the knife back and threw it at the door, the blade embedding into the wood.

"So, we go in as a unit, we find and rescue Freya. We take back the whote oak and then destroy it." Klaus planned. The other two nodded in agreement and Elijah stood up.

"Niklaus, Wolfgang, whatever happens, I need you two to promise me...." Elijah began but Wolfgang and Klaus cut him off.

"Aurora dies today." The friends said simultaneously as Wolfgang pulled his knife out of the door.


Wolfgang felt his stomach do somersaults in anticipation as the trio approached the cabin in the woods. The vampire could only think back to the few times he had ever felt such fear before.

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