Chapter 35 - 'My Therapist's Gone Crazy.'

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Wolfgang sat at his desk, about to begin a call with a particularly stubborn client, who insisted on dealing directly with Wolfgang.

"Mr Anton, is it?" Wolfgang asked as the video call began. The man he was dealing with, Johann Anton, was in his late thirties.

"Yes, this is Herr Nachtstern?" Johann asked. Wolfgang nodded and steepled his fingers, leaning forwards.

"Mr Anton, allow me to be blunt." Wolfgang started, "I want the thirty acre plot of land your family has owned in California since 1821. I am more than willing to compensate for it."

"That land is my family's heirloom, my only link to my proud heritage." Johann replied. Wolfgang laughed and leaned back in his chair.

"Your wife, Matilda, she's quite the activist." Wolfgang said as he flicked through a portfolio in front of him.

"What of it?" Johann asked and Wolfgang smiled cruelly. The stubborn businessman on the other end tried to hide the crack in his facade.

Many people had warned him about that smile. He had been told that after Wolfgang gave the detached, amused smile, as though he knew something no one else did, he always got what he wanted, one way or another.

"I'm sure she'd be interested in the source of that extra half a million you make per month." Wolfgang said casually. Johann stiffened and Wolfgang knew he had to push only a little bit more and he would break him.

"Are you blackmailing me?" Johann asked, shocked. Wolfgang's cold smirk grew as he answered.

"Of course I am, I'm sure Matilda would be more interested in how you choose to spend that money." Wolfgang continued. The vampire watched in detached amusement as Johann clenched his jaw as he weighed up his options.

"I'll have my office draw up the document." Johann said eventually, clearly stung from the loss.

"Pleasure doing business with you." Wolfgang smiled as he cut the call. The hunter stood up and walked over to the liquor cabinet, pouring himself a glass of bourbon.

The vampire took a sip of his drink just as Klaus burst into his office. The hybrid paused as the sight of Wolfgang, dressed in dark blue suit trousers and an unbuttoned light blue shirt, casually drinking at six in the morning.

"That's new." Klaus said, pointing at the thin chain hanging around Wolfgang's neck. Looped through the end of the chain was a ring, clearly feminine and sporting a large diamond.

"My Christmas gift from Rebekah." Wolfgang replied as he buttoned up his shirt, leaving the uppermost ones undone. The vampire rolled up his sleeves before pulling on a navy blue blazer to match his trousers.

"We need to go." Klaus said, getting down to business. Wolfgang nodded as he placed the glass down on a table.

"Let's hunt down Camille."


"What's taking you so long?" Klaus asked impatiently. Wolfgang cracked open an eye and glanced at the hybrid.

The hunter was sat cross-legged on the table, his eyes closed as he tried to search for Cami's mental presence.

"Tracking is more of an art than a science, Klaus." Wolfgang sighed, rubbing his temples, "Camille, as a baby vampire, is giving off little psychic energy for me to track."

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