Chapter 14 - 'I'm Here For The Free Food.'

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Wolfgang walked into the Mikaelson Compound with his arms wide open as he held a suitcase in each.

"I'm back, bitches." Wolfgang shouted and Elijah followed him into his family home with an eye-roll.

"As Wolfgang has so artfully put it, we have returned." Elijah added. Klaus walked up to them and nodded. The hybrid seemed tense and Wolfgang assumed it had something to do with the decorators moving around the compound.

"Klaus, what's going on?" Wolfgang questioned. Klaus was about to reply when a beautiful woman walked down the stairs. Wolfgang narrowed his eyes at her, he definitely did not recognise her.

"It's wedding season, Wolfgang." Rebekah replied. Wolfgang frowned before he sighed as he realised.

"Well, Rebekah, at least you remain as sexy as ever." Wolfgang greeted as he pulled the not-so-blonde Original into a hug.

"Bit weird being in a new body but I'm getting used to it." Rebekah said. Wokfgang smirked as he kissed her on the cheek.

"We can break it in if you want." Wolfgang flirted and Elijah rolled his eyes. Klaus gagged and covered his mouth.

"Please stop." The Hybrid pleaded and Wolfgang smirked, the flirting was harmless apart from the one time that it wasn't. But that was a story for another time. Wolfgang grabbed his suitcase and walked off, heading towards one of the guest rooms of the Mikaelson Compound.


Wolfgang knocked lightly on the door. Hayley turned and saw the vampire in the doorway and frowned at the unexpected visitor before she gestured for him to come in.

"Are you okay, Wolfgang?" Hayley asked and the vampire smiled as he nodded, noticing baby Hope in the room.

"Yeah, I just wanted to tell you that I'm not coming to the wedding." Wolfgang explained. Hayley's frown deepened and the hybrid shook her head before she faced the vampire.

"You're coming, end of." Hayley stated, reminding Wolfgang of Charlotte. Which also remined him that he should get back to her on her wedding.

"Weddings aren't really my thing. Besides, you barely know me." Wolfgang replied. Hayley sighed and sat down on her bed, "Wolfgang, ever since you came to New Orleans you started fighting for this family without a second thought. You've done all you could for my daughter without asking questions. Hell, without having even met her. So, you deserve to be at that wedding."

"I'll call my tailor, Alberto, then, I'm going to need a suit." Wolfgang replied. Hayley laughed and stood up to face Wolfgang, "And bring a hot date."

"Well, I would bring you but taking the bride as my date to her own wedding might be controversial." Wolfgang joked before he let out a sigh, "Guess it'll have to be someone else."

"Wolfgang," Hayley called out as the vampire turned to leave, "Thank you, for everything."

"Over the years, Klaus has questioned my allegiance." Wolfgang began as he walked back into the room, "To be honest, I've never really known them myself. But, I do know this, so long as I live, I will fight for your daughter and what is best for her. I give you my word."

With that final statement, Wolfgang turned and left, leaving an awe-struck Hayley behind.


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