Chapter 69 - 'You Are The Most Extraordinary Person I Know.'

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"The situation is dire." Wolfgang said as he sat at the desk, nursing a glass of bourbon, "The full moon approaches, and with the Hollow's strength, Hope won't last the night."

Marcel nodded as he took a sip of his own bourbon. Wolfgang was trying his best to contain his emotions as Charlotte watched her brother curiously. The blonde's eyes were fixed on him as she tried to find the words to say.

"And there is no solution to this.. Predicament?" Charlotte asked. Marcel nodded, "None."

"No." Elijah said, shaking his head in denial, "We have Freya come, perform a binding ritual. That's the solution."

Wolfgang shook his head before he downed the rest of his bourbon. Marcel sighed and placed a hand on Elijah's shoulder.

"A ritual of that nature, it'd only kill her faster." Marcel countered. Elijah sighed and shook his head. The Original didn't know what to do and it irritated him. Wolfgang felt the same, except his inability to help was more than irritating, it angered him that he was powerless to save the woman he cared about.

"Look, no one cares about Hope more than I do." Wolfgang started, rising to his feet, "But I'm telling you, we don't have time right now to find a solution. We have until tonight to make her comfortable."

With those words, Wolfgang stood to his feet and left the room, Elijah following a second later. The Original caught up to Wolfgang as they approached Klaus.

"Elijah, I need your assistance." Klaus requested and the elder brother nodded. Klaus sighed and ran a hand through his curly hair.

"I need you to stay with Hope today in Mystic Falls." Klaus demanded and Elijah shook his head. Wolfgang watched the two curiously, wondering what cogs were turning in the hybrid's mind.

"Me?" Elijah questioned, knowing full well that of all people, Elijah was the one Hope would want to spend time with the most, "Wouldn't it better for you to find someone Hope despises, a little less than me, perhaps quite literally anyone else she's ever met?"

"There's no-one I trust more than you and Wolfgang with Hope." Klaus explained and Elijah sighed, "Can he not do so then? I'm sure Hope will be more receptive to Wolfgang's company."

"I need Wolfgang's help and expertise." Klaus answered, moving around in his own inability to keep still, "Please, Elijah, Wolfgang, help me to save Hope."


Wolfgang watched Klaus as the hybrid paced around the room. The Nachtstern sighed and crossed his arms.

"You asked for my help, it would be useful if you would tell me your plan." Wolfgang commented. Klaus paused and faced his friend, letting out a sigh.

"What do you know about the Gemini Coven?" Klaus questioned. Wolfgang's hazel eyes narrowed as he stared at Klaus curiously. Why would the hybrid be so inquisitive about a nearly extinct coven?

"The Gemini Coven are a group of witches from Greek descent that specialise in cloaking spells and creating Prison Worlds." Wolfgang explained, "They also are the coven that holds a particular subset of witches - Siphoners. Siphoners are able to pull magic from one place and put it in another, usually themselves. In fact, the last remaining members of the Gemini Coven are siphoners..."

Wolfgang paused as his mind caught up with his mouth, putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

"No." Wolfgang warned, realising Klaus' plan, "You can't."

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