Chapter 4 - 'Mikael?'

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Elijah walked into Klaus' study, staring long and hard at Wolfgang and Klaus, who were drinking in silence.

"You took her to kill witches?" Elijah asked, incredulous. Wolfgang rolled his eyes and took a sip of his drink.

"Technically, I took her but Klaus definitely instigated." Wolfgang defended. Elijah sighed and crossed his arms.

"This is not an appropriate way to deal with her grief." Elijah lectured. Wolfgang grimaced and downed the rest of his drink before standing to his feet.

"I'm not your brother, Elijah. You can't lecture me on responsibility." Wolfgang countered before turning to leave. Elijah sighed and watched him go.


Marcel stood in front of his crowd as he smiled and turned to Josh.

"There'll be more like Gia." Marcel commented, waiting for the true warriors to present themselves. Elijah and Wolfgang stood in the shadows at a distance as Wolfgang remembered Marcel's insistence on Wolfgang's help back when the witches were adamant on carrying out the Harvest.

"Elijah, Wolfgang, what can I do for you?" Marcel asked. Elijah smirked and the Nachtstern tensed in anticipation of how this was going to go horribly wrong.

"This new vampire community you're building, I'm willing to allow it to continue it's existence if you aid me in finding the white oak stake." Elijah replied. Marcel clenched his jaw, not comfortable with the threat.

"If you could just ask Davina to perform a simple locator spell for us, we would be very grateful." Wolfgang expanded. Marcel sighed and nodded before turning to enter his loft, gesturing for Elijah and Wolfgang to follow.


Davina walked into Marcel's loft as Elijah stood in the shadows, hidden from her view. Wolfgang stood besides Marcel as the young witch approached them.

"Wolfgang, I didn't know you were back in town." Davina said cheerily as she hugged the vampire.

"Well, some old friends needed my help." Wolfgang replied. Marcel sighed and turned to talk to Davina.

"How's school? Hope I didn't disturb you." Marcel continued, trying to put her at ease.

"I was meant to go on a date but he didn't show." Davina replied and Wolfgang frowned. He stepped forwards.

"Say the word, I'll tear his head from his body." Wolfgang said. Davina smiled and shooked her head.

"It's fine." Davina said. Marcel nodded before he turned serious, "D, I hate to call in a favour but it's urgent."

"Sure, what is it?"

"I need you to do a locator spell on the white oak stake." Marcel said. Davina frowned before she glowered at him.

"Did the Mikaelsons put you up to this?" She asked, furious. Marcel shook his head and held out his hands to placate her.

"No. Look, the stake is out there and if someone kills Klaus then I go out too." Marcel argued. Wolfgang rolled his eyes as he saw the vampire's pathetic attempt at calming her down.

"Klaus and Elijah are brutal sadistic killers. If they die, they'll get what's coming to them." Davina ranted. Just then, to make matters worse, Elijah chose to show himself.

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