Chapter 15 - 'I Always Pay My Debts.'

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Wolfgang sped in front of the crowd as they attempted to gang up on Rebekah. He bared his fangs as his vampire face emerged, prompting the witches to take a step back in fear.

"She is under my protection. Try to hurt her and you will be killed." Wolfgang shouted, making the crowd disperse. The vampire turned to Rebekah and raised an eyebrow.

"What was that about?" Wolfgang questioned and Rebekah shrugged her shoulders before letting out a sigh.

"Hell if I know."


Wolfgang and Elijah walked into the mansion with Gia, who was apparently Elijah's new apprentice, following them. The newly turned vampire seemed uncomfortable in the dress she was wearing but they had to look the part.

Wolfgang took off his coat as he entered and handed the dark, shin-length overcoat to one of the butlers with a glare. The servant seemed terrified and Wolfgang tilted his head as he spoke.

"That coat best be untouched or else," Wolfgang threatened. The servant nodded and disappeared and Elijah shot Wolfgang a look that seemed to say 'behave'. Of course, the hunter would ignore him and do things on his terms.

They walked into the room where the witch awaited them and Wolfgang and Elijah sat down next to her as Gia began to play on her violin. As the vampire brought her song to a perfect close, Josephine cleared her throat and turned to the two men, "Then it's true, you are as diabolical as they say, Mr Mikaelson."

"Actually, this was me." Wolfgang corrected and Josephine turned to him with her head tilted in confusion.

"I don't believe I've had the pleasure." Josephine replied and Wolfgang smiled at her. It was charming and warm but Wolfgang knew that she hated him simply for being a vampire.

"Wolfgang Nachtstern, Madame LaRue." Wolfgang explained, holding out his hand. Josephine placed her hand in his and Wolfgang pressed a kiss to the back of her hand, "Nachtstern, as in the property mogul?"

"You've heard of me then, I'm honoured." Wolfgang said, satisfied as he sat back. Josephine cleared her throat and turned to Elijah.

"Of course, it means nothing. Whatever your offer is, I refuse." Josephine continued. Elijah glowered but managed to keep his composure. Wolfgang smirked cruelly, "Why is that, Madame LaRue?"

"Because you're a vampire, a monster in the skin of a man." Josephine replied, "Despite yours and Mr Nachtstern's refinement, you still remain beasts, even if you can play a violin very nicely."

"Screw this." Gia said as she ran a hand through her hair, "I learnt Mozart for this. Hell, I don't even like Mozart. I much prefer this."

The newly turned vampire then proceeded to play a jazz tune on her violin and Josephine sat there, stunned into silence.

"That was... refreshing. I've never been stood up to like that." Josephine said once Gia had finished, "So I will reconsider. The witch your sister is possessing is known as Eva Sinclair. She was a dangerous witch who practiced sacrificial magic. If I allow you to keep her outside of the Dowager-Fauline Cottage, then I require an exchange."

"An exchange of what?"

"Witches. In exchange for allowing Rebekah Mikaelson to continue possessing the body of Miss Sinclair, I want Vincent Griffith." Josephine answered. Wolfgang tensed at the thought of handing over the warlock that Finn was possessing.

"You have a deal." Elijah replied instead. He stood up and walked away, his hand on Gia's back as they left. A moment later, Wolfgang smiled at Josephine cruelly and walked off. The witch Regent reminded him of a shark.

As he left, Wolfgang took his coat from the butler and shrugged it on, smoothing down the collar as he walked away.


The cemetary was where Wolfgang ended up meeting Klaus and Elijah. The hybrid was impaled by a fence because of Finn and Wolfgang threw the warlock backwards.

Finn got to his feet with a smile as he faced the trio. Klaus snarled and moved to go forwards when Wolfgang held out a hand to hold him back.

"We need him alive and unharmed." Elijah warned and Klaus smirked before he picked up a piece of an iron fence and threw it at Finn. The rod embedded into his stomach and Finn dropped to the ground.

Wolfgang moved to approach him when his head erupted in pain and he dropped to the ground alongside Klaus and Elijah. A blonde witch walked into view, holding out her hand.

"Sister, help me." Finn breathed out and Freya moved closer to him. She held out a pendant and pressed it to his forehead.

"What are you doing?" Finn cried out as his soul was pulled out of his body and into the pendant. Freya stood up with a sad smile.

"I didn't realise how deeply your bloodlust ran, brother." Freya muttered before she walked off. Wolfgang stood up and straightened his coat as he eyed the retreating witch suspiciously, "That's your long lost sister?"

"Apparently the one who's been raised by our evil aunt." Klaus replied. Wolfgang's eyes widened as he turned to the two brothers, shocked.

"You know about Dahlia?" Wolfgang questioned. Klaus narrowed his eyes at Wolfgang and frowned. Elijah nodded in response and took a step forwards.

"What do you know about Dahlia?" Elijah asked and Wolfgang shook his head as he fiddled with his coat nervously.

"If Dahlia is coming, then you need all the help you can get." Wolfgang replied, glancing in the direction that Freya had left in, "She will stop at nothing and is several times more powerful than your mother."

Wolfgang ignored the silent brothers and walked away, leaving the morbid cemetary as he thought about the threat to come and the decisions he would have to make.


Wolfgang stepped into his apartment and immediately noticed that someone else was in there. The vampire ignored the visitor and took off his coat, hanging it up before pouring himself some whiskey.

"Can I interest you in a drink?" he questioned, pouring another glass of whiskey. The vampire held it out to the woman sat on the chair in his house.

"I'm not here for a drink." Dahlia replied. Wolfgang shrugged and downed the glass he poured for Dahlia before sitting down.

"What do you want?"

"You owe me and I'm here to collect." Dahlia answered. Wolfgang looked down and noticed the sword in her lap. The blade was short, around half a metre in length and was made from black-stained steel, engraved with characters in Elder Futhark.

"I always pay my debts." Wolfgang said as he motioned for the sword. Dahlia smiled and gripped the blade tighter.

"You'll know when it's time. Until then, I'll keep this as insurance." Dahlia explained. Wolfgang glowered and stood to his feet, his jaw clenched, "That's not what we agreed."

"Is it not? We agreed that I would find this wretched blade for you. Nothing about handing it over." Dahlia said with a smirk. Wolfgang could see the similarity to the Mikaelsons in this woman and he turned to the next room.

"I trust that you can find your own way out." Wolfgang spat before he left the room.

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