Chapter 59 - 'That, Most Definitely, Is Not Good.'

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Seven Years Later -

The Salvatore School, Mystic Falls -

"I heard that someone got suspended." Wolfgang said as he entered Hope's dorm. The tribrid turned to him with a slight smile.

"Wolf." Hope greeted. The vampire smiled slightly at her, too focused on the tingle that the German pronunciation 'Vulf' sent down his spine.

"So, what did you do?" Wolfgang enquired, stepping closer to Hope, who was in the process of packing.

"I sold my blood to a werewolf so he could turn." Hope explained and Wolfgang frowned, thinking it over.

"As impressed as I am by the entrepreneurial genius, why would you need the money?" Wolfgang questioned. Hope looked down, avoiding his gaze and the hunter sighed as he realised.

"That's very reckless, Hope." Wolfgang scolded, "You know that you can't visit Klaus."

"Why? If he can't be bothered to see me, then I'll have to see him." Hope countered, "I want to hear him tell me that he doesn't love me."

"You think he doesn't love you?" Wolfgang asked, in disbelief. There was no way in hell that Klaus didn't love his daughter, "He loves you more than life itself."

"Then why won't he talk to me?"

"Because you walked in on him in the middle of a fucking murder spree!" Wolfgang shouted and Hope nodded, becoming silent.

"Look, the way Klaus' mind works is that he is ashamed that you saw him like that. He's scared of what you'll think of him. He just needs someone to talk some sense into him."

"Have you heard from him?" Hope asked. It was a question that she asked everytime and Wolfgang's answer was unchanged.

"He's been avoiding me. I ran into him a few weeks ago but he ignored me." Wolfgang replied and Hope nodded, zipping up her suitcase.

"Are you actually here?" Hope questioned, crossing her arms as she faced Wolfgang. The vampire sighed and shook his head.

"I'm being astral projected." Wolfgang answered and Hope sighed, sitting down on her bed, "Where are you then?"

"Manosque, France." Wolfgang said, "With your Uncle Elijah. I'm dropping into New Orleans soon though."

"Great." Hope stated, grabbing her suitcase, "Because I'm about to get a seven-hour lecture as I go back to New Orleans."

"I told Hayley to go easy on you." Wolfgang said and Hope smiled at him gratefully. The tribrid moved towards the door but then stopped, facing Wolfgang.

"You won't tell her, will you? Why I wanted the money?" Hope asked and Wolfgang shook his head, "No, because it's not going to happen."

"Thanks." Hope said and Wolfgang nodded before his eyes narrowed in concentration.

"Oh, God.... That's not good." Wolfgang said to himself before turning to Hope, "I need to go. I'll see you soon."


Manosque, France -

"Thank you. Thank you." Elijah said as he concluded the song. Klaus approached him and sat opposite the amnesiac.

"An old favourite." Klaus complimented, "Try as I might, I can't resist a familiar refrain. I'm a sucker for Weill. You play with such finesse."

"Yeah, it keeps me out of trouble." Elijah replied. Wolfgang joined the two with a pointed glare at Klaus.

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