Chapter 23 - 'What's A Wedding Without A Little Murder?'

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'Welcome To Mystic Falls.'

Wolfgang watched the sign as it flew past, his mind trying it's hardest not to focus on the past but remain in the present. To say that he didn't want to be in the small Virginia town, especially after he had given his word to a certain Bennett witch, was an understatement. If he had his way, Wolfgang would never set foot in the town again. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to.

Wolfgang pulled up outside the large house and let out a sigh as he cut the engine. The vampire got out of the car and straightened his tie before smoothing down his suit jacket, grabbing the bouquet of flowers he had bought for Jo. Wolfgang cleared his throat and walked through the open doors of the Salvatore Boarding House. He was immediately greeted by an all too familiar blonde who turned at the new guest.

"Oh." Caroline said in shock and Wolfgang tilted his head with a languid smile, "Wolfgang, you're here?"

"Yes, I am." Wolfgang answered, stepping closer to the blonde as he regarded her with cold hazel eyes, "Don't look so surprised, Miss Forbes, I was invited to Alaric's wedding."

"That's fine." Caroline replied, feeling awkward at the fact that she didn't know that the Nachtstern had returned to Mystic Falls. The blonde cursed herself mentally, "So, Klaus didn't come with you, did he?"

"No. I told him to stay in New Orleans, be with his daughter." Wolfgang replied and Caroline nodded before Jo walked in. Wolfgang turned to the bride with a smile, adjusting his tie as Jo ran up to him, embracing the vampire.

"Wolfgang, you made it." Jo greeted and Wolfgang smiled before placing a kiss on her cheek in greeting.

"Of course I did, Josette." Wolfgang replied as he stepped back. Jo looked between him and Caroline and narrowed her eyes at the tension before realisation dawned on her.

"Do you two know each other?" Jo asked and Wolfgang smiled with an awkward chuckle as Caroline bit her tongue. They knew each other quite well and Caroline knew a bit more about Wolfgang than most saw.

"Do you remember the guy I told you about, Klaus?" Caroline asked and Jo nodded, "Yeah, the dude that killed Elena's aunt."

"I'm a friend of Klaus'. And technically, I killed Jenna." Wolfgang finished and Jo's eyes widened. She backed away and shook her head, looking around warily.

"You probably shouldn't be here then." Jo said and Wolfgang nodded. The vampire frowned as he picked up an unusual amount of heartbeats in the room. Wolfgang looked around and quickly saw that there was only himself, Caroline and Jo present, which meant...

"You're pregnant." Wolfgang said, Jo nodded and the vampire smiled, "Congratulations, Josette."

"Jo? Caroline?" A voice called out. Caroline's eyes widened in shock and Jo shook her head in disbelief before she turned to Wolfgang. The brunette looked at him carefully, "How's your relationship with Bonnie?"

"Bonnie and I are familiar with one another." Wolfgang replied as the witch herself entered the room. Bonnie stopped in her tracks as her dark eyes fell upon the Nachtstern, wearing a fine suit and holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand. Wolfgang himself remained rooted to the spot, unable to look away from Bonnie. The Bennett regarded him for a long moment before she finally broke the silence, "Wolfgang."

"Hello, Bonnie." The hunter replied, his lips curving into a smirk as he recovered from the shock of seeing her again. The witch had changed since they last spoke, Bonnie had cut her hair shorter, and she held herself as though there was something inside her that had changed, "What are you doing here? You promised that you wouldn't come back after Katherine died."

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